Von: Oppenheim Daniel
Datum: Tue, 24 Jul 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] Please Help the Computer-Music Community Identify Key Challenges
Dear Colleagues
We are trying to identify ideas and challenges that may open new horizons relating to how we create and experience music. By sharing what you think is important, we will try to get the community-at-large to address them. Results will be presented at the first ICMC panel (August 6, Korea, https://icmc2018.org/), discussed in breakout sessions, and summarized in a joint white paper.
We have done everything we can to make this survey quick and painless (iPhone/mobile works great).
TAKE THE SURVEY: (https://i3c.typeform.com/to/cwd1v9https://i3c.typeform.com/to/cwd1v9)
Please do not hesitate contacting us directly if you have any questions or want to join this research.
Daniel Oppenheim, dan.oppenheim.1@gmail.com
Revital Hollander, revital.hollander@gmail.com
Andrew Phillips, a.telichanphillips@gmail.com