Von: Leigh Landy via cec conference
Datum: Thu, 21 Dec 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] ‚Bringing New Music to New Audiences‘ Conference Call for Submissions
‘Bringing New Music to New Audiences’ International Conference
Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre,
De Montfort University, Leicester UK
21-23 September 2018
‘Bringing New Music to New Audiences’ is a three-day international conference which is intended to bring together community artists and other musicians, educators, animateurs, specialists within music and other cultural organisations, government policy representatives and representatives from cross-cultural projects who are involved with initiatives related to the conference title. Of course, project participants, non-academics and others are most welcome.
By ‘new music’ what is meant is original innovative works of music, including the sonic arts, which largely reside outside of the commercial sector. The goal is to share and debate different forms of good practice relating to how new music can be used as the means of engaging with new communities and ways through which new music can reach underrepresented communities.
The conference will focus on a selection of community arts and pedagogical initiatives related to participation and community-action. It will offer diverse workshops and performances and introduce conference participants to a wide range of programmes within this area. Subjects will include, but not be limited to:
• Educational initiatives
• Working with community organisations
• The musical equivalent of public art
• Interculturalism
• Ways of effectively and robustly measuring/evaluating impact and research projects regarding the above.
The project website, under construction, can be found at http://www.interfaces.dmu.ac.uk. This conference forms part of the ‘Interfaces’ Creative European project (www.interfacesnetwork.eu). It is related to the ‘Bringing New Music to New Audiences’ resource site http://www.interfaces.dmu.ac.uk/hub – currently under construction and to be announced shortly – which is to offer information regarding good practice in outreach initiatives around the globe. All interested parties are welcome to send their work to that hub at any time once made available.
Invited speakers will include Susanna Eastburn, currently Chief Executive of Sound and Music (UK).
Conference fees will be: £60 / £30 (students and those on a lower income) for all three days, £25 / £12.50 for one day.
The deadline for proposals (papers, workshops, demonstrations, sharings/performances) is 15 March 2018. Papers are to be of 20’ duration with 10’ for questions and discussion. Proposals for workshops, demonstrations and sharing of project work/performances will indicate how much time these would last and the technical infrastructure needed in terms of their presentation. Proposals should include a title and extended abstract of up to 1500 words as well as a CV/Bio (two pages maximum) including relevant publications, projects, works or equivalent.
Submissions and general queries should be sent to the conference coordinator, Leigh Landy: llandy@dmu.ac.uk.