[ 5. Dezember 2017 ]

DEGEM News – CONFERENCE – please let your students know

Von: Sandeep Bhagwati
Datum: Mon, 4 Dec 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] Fwd: please let your students know

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I want to interest all artists and art thinkers, students and faculty in this unique and amazing conference.
I was at the last one in Boston and came back with many new and still active connections to arts organisations and artists around the world.


Meet Critics, Curators and Residency Directors

Students register by December 20th for TransCultural Exchange’s 2018 International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts for only $95.*

Three stellar-packed days and evenings. Tap into the unique international art network that is TransCultural Exchange. Connect with artists, curators, residency directors, grant-makers and arts professionals from around the globe.

Make the most of your time. Stay at the Conference hostel headquarters for only $25 USD per night (including breakfast)! Round up your friends and grab a dorm room for 4 or 6. Book by calling toll free 1.866.694.0950. Don’t wait! Accommodations at the Auberge Internationale are going fast – as are the Conference discount rates at the 4-star Hilton (just $119/night).

The Conference hits Québec City, February 22nd – 24th – a UNESCO heritage site at it’s most spectacular.

Check it out: http://www.transculturalexchange.org/2018-conference/overview.htm
Registration and Scholarship Information:www.transculturalexchange.org/2018-conference/registration.htm
*Register as a group of 10 and pay only $60 per student.