Von: Kees Tazelaar
Datum: Tue, 28 Sep 2021
Betreff: 3 (yes, three!) Sonology concerts with a live audience on 5, 12 and 13 October 2021
Dear members of the Sonology Concerts mailing list,
I am extremely happy to be able to invite you to three concerts in the Royal Conservatoire’s Arnold Schoenbergzaal with a live audience!
Entrance to all concerts is free, but registration through the links in this email is required.
Please also have a good look at the other regulations on the registration form related to the coronavirus.
The first concert is on 5 October 2021 for the occasion of Gottfried Michael Koenig’s 95th birthday.
The programme is as follows:
Musik für Zwei Klaviere (1950)
Maryam Mehraban, piano
Yanjun Chen, piano
Klangfiguren I (1955)
Electronic music
Zwei Klavierstücke (1957)
Akane Takada, piano
Terminus 1 (1962)
Electronic music
from 60 Blätter für Streichtrio (1992), pages 48, 58, 17, 22, 50, 3, 16, 20, 44, 41, 8, 28, 37, 7, 12, 31, 30, 27, 36 and 6
Rada Ovcharova, violin
Emlyn Stam, viola
Willem Stam, cello
Funktion Indigo (1969)
Electronic music
Intervalle (2016)
Maryam Mehraban, piano
Yanjun Chen, piano
Please register for this concert through this link.
The second concert is on 12 October 2021. Trevor Wishart started working on his electroacoustic multi-channel work The Garden of Earthly Delights during a residency at Sonology as Konrad Boehmer Visiting Professor in 2016.
The first public performance was postponed several times due to the pandemic, but now we are finally able to present the world premiere.
Please register for this concert through this link.
The third concert is on 13 October 2021. It is the first Sonology Discussion Concert of the academic year 2021–22 and will feature fixed-media pieces, music for instruments and electronics, and more by students, teachers and research associates of the Institute of Sonology.
Please register for this concert through this link.
All concerts start at 19:30. Please be there at least 15 minutes early, because QR-checks take time.
Just to be sure: these concerts take place in the conservatoire’s old building at Juliana van Stolberglaan 1, 2595 CA The Hague.
I hope to see you there!
Kees Tazelaar