Von: Lepa, Steffen via ak discourse
Datum: Thu, 27 Jul 2023
Betreff: [ak-discourse] Postdoc in Sound and Music Computing (23 months, 0.5FTE)
Dear All,
We are happy to announce the following postdoc position: A part-time (50% FTE), 23-month Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available to work at the forefront of Sound and Music Computing as part of the AHRC project “Sensing the Forest – Let the Forest Speak using the Internet of Things, Acoustic Ecology and Creative AI” at De Montfort University (DMU) in Leicester, UK. The project is led by Anna Xambó (PI, DMU), Peter Batchelor (Co-I, DMU), Matthew Wilkinson (Co-I, Forest Research), and Georgios Xenakis (Co-I, Forest Research).
The proposed project aims to raise awareness among forest visitors/aficionados, artists, scientists, and the general public about the connection between forests and climate change. Community building will centre on looking at a better understanding of forest behaviour using complex scientific data in creative and artistic ways.
You can find more info about the job post here:
The application deadline is 6 August 2023 with interviews taking place on 17-18 August 2023. The job position will start on 1 October 2023.
For informal enquiries about the position, please contact Dr Anna Xambó Sedó, PI. E-mail: anna.xambo@dmu.ac.uk
Anna Xambó Sedó, PhD
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Senior Lecturer in Music and Audio Technology
Member of Music, Technology and Innovation – Institute for Sonic Creativity (MTI^2)
Leicester Media School
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media
Clephan Building
De Montfort University
Leicester LE1 9BH United Kingdom