[ 18. Juli 2021 ]

DEGEM News – FWD [STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG] – [ak-discourse] [Commlist] Postdoctoral position in digital media/communication and/or digital culture/humanities

Von: Nico Carpentier via Steffen Lepa via ak discourse
Datum: Mon, 12 Jul 2021
Betreff: Re: [ak-discourse] [Commlist] Postdoctoral position in digital media/communication and/or digital culture/humanities

Die Stelle weiter unten könnte dank der Beteiligung von Jörg Rössel auch für
einen Audio-/Musikwissenschaftler mit musiksoziologischen Interessem,
starken Empiriekenntnissen, Fähigkeit zu Data-Scraping (Spotify API) und
Interesse an Digitaler Musikrezeption interessant sein.

Steffen Lepa


*Postdoctoral position in digital media/communication and/or digital

The Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of
Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark, invites applications for a postdoctoral position
in digital media/communication and/or digital culture/humanities as part of
a H2020-project on the societal values of culture to be filled by October
15, 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The position is for up to 21 months on 80%, (30 h/week).

Job content
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc who will conduct research and
take on coordination, organisational and communicative tasks (80%) in the
context of an international research project funded by the European

The research, organizational and communicative tasks will be part of the
H2020-project, INVENT: European inventory of societal values of culture as a
basis for inclusive cultural policies in the globalizing
world (2020-2023). The INVENT consortium conducts large-scale empirical
research in nine European countries on how conceptions and values of culture
are constructed across different socio-economic groups. Special attention is
paid to European citizens’ perceptions and evaluations of how trends such as
globalization, digitalization and increasing social inequalities have
impacted culture. The project is based on a mixed-method research design
(incl. surveys, a smart phone study with experimental stimuli, data scraping
of online content, focus groups, case studies, and individual interviews).

INVENT is coordinated by PI Professor Susanne Janssen (Rotterdam) and a
board consisting of Predrag Cveticanin (Serbia), Professor Tally Katz-Gerro
(Haifa), Professor Nete Nørgaard Kristensen (Copenhagen), Professor
Frederich Lebaron (Paris), Professor Semi Purhonen (Tampere), Professor
Jordi López Sintas (Barcelona), Professor Inga Tomic-Koludrovic (Croatia),
Associate Professor Marc Verboord (Rotterdam), Professor Jörg Rössel
(Zurich). For more information about the project and team:
https://inventculture.eu <https://inventculture.eu>.

The postdoc will be affiliated with the entire project but especially one of
its work packages (WP5), focusing on digitalization, led by Professor Nete
Nørgaard Kristensen (Copenhagen).

Main duties

– Conduct research within the framework of the INVENT project, as outlined
in the grant agreement (especially WP5 on digitalization);

– Contribute to the project’s data collection and data analysis (especially
focus groups and individual interviews (in Danish) and case studies but
potentially also data scraping and a smartphone experiment);

– Coordinate and contribute to the dissemination and communication of
project activities and findings to a wider academic and non-academic
audience via social media, the project’s website, newsletters, animation
videos, workshops with stakeholders, conferences, etc.;

– Publish and present research results in the form of policy briefings,
reports, articles in international peer reviewed journals, and papers at
international meetings and conferences;

– Participate in organising project meetings, seminars, workshops and

Qualification requirements

In order to be considered for the position applicants must have research
qualifications at least corresponding to what can be achieved as part of a
successfully completed PhD within the field of digital media/communication
and/or digital culture/humanities, and/or sociology.

The following professional qualifications and personal competences are
furthermore required:

– Research interest in cultural identity, cultural policy, European culture
and research skills in digital media/communication and/or digital

– Interest in cross-disciplinary cooperation;

– Strong methodological and analytical skills, in particular advanced
knowledge about and experience with qualitative methods (e.g., interviews
and analysis of interview data) but preferably also quantitative and digital
methods (e.g., analyses of large datasets, data scraping, experiments);

– Proven affinity for empirical research, as evidenced by your research
work, publications, research plans and other projects;

– Keen interest in and preferably also experience with research
communication to stakeholders and the boarder public;

– Strong organisational experience and skills;

– Proficiency in spoken and written Danish and English. Non-English speakers
have to meet the C2-standards of the Common European Framework (CEF).

For further information about the position, please contact Professor Nete
Nørgaard Kristensen (netenk@hum.ku.dk

For further details about the qualification requirements for postdocs,
please refer to the job structure for Academic Staff at Universities
2019: https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/criteria-for-recognising-merit/dokumenter/M
<https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/criteria-for-recognising-merit/dokumenter/ Ministerial_Order_no._1443_of_11_December_2019_on_Job_Structure_for_Academic _Staff_at_Universities.pdf>

Submit the application online in Adobe PDF or Word format.
Please click on the “Apply now” icon at the bottom of the page.

The application must be written in English and include the following

– Application letter/cover letter (max 1 page)

– Curriculum vitae (with applicant’s e-mail & telephone number)

– Documentation of qualifications (examination certificates/PhD diploma,

– Complete and numbered list of publications. The enclosed publications must
be marked with *

– Research plan, including a short description of previous research and a
plan for how the applicant will contribute to the INVENT project

– Publications. Applicants may choose a maximum of three publications for
assessment. Publication dates must be clearly marked on the publication
list. The publications selected must be uploaded as attachments and listed
from 1 to 3.

Should any material submitted consist of work with named co-authors, or work
that is otherwise the result of collective academic endeavours, the extent
of the applicant’s contribution to the work must be clearly stipulated. The
Faculty may ask for a signed statement from the co-authors stipulating the
extent and nature of each individual’s contribution.

Only material in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English can be expected to
be assessed

Appointment procedure
After the application deadline, the Head of Department selects applicants
for assessment on the advice of the Appointment Committee. All applicants
are notified whether their application has been accepted for assessment. The
Dean subsequently appoints an expert assessment committee tasked with
carrying out an assessment of the selected applicants for the specific post.
Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee.
Applicants are ultimately offered the opportunity of commenting on the part
of the assessment relating to themselves before the appointment is

Applicants will be continuously informed about the progress of the procedure
by e-mail.

Further information about the application procedure is available from HR,
hrsc@hrsc.ku.dk , please refer to 211-0831/21-2I.

Salary and conditions of employment
Terms of appointment and salary will be in accordance with an agreement
between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional
Associations (AC). The salary range starts at DKK 34,899.55 (EUR 4,692.61) +
a 17,1 % contribution to the pension scheme. It is possible to negotiate
salary supplements on an annual basis.

The Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional
Associations (AC) have further agreed on a protocol that makes it possible
for international researchers employed by the University to achieve a
pension exemption, whereby the pension contribution will be paid out as
salary. For more information about the different pension schemes, please
read more here: https://ism.ku.dk/salary-tax-pension/pension/

If you consider applying from abroad, you may find useful information on how
it is to work in Denmark and at UCPH here : http://ism.ku.dk
<http://ism.ku.dk>, http://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-us/frontpage.htm
<http://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-us/frontpage.htm> and
https://www.workindenmark.dk/ <https://www.workindenmark.dk/>

UCPH wishes to encourage everyone interested in this post to apply,
regardless of personal background.

*The closing date for applications is 23.59 CET, 23 August 2021*.

Applications or supplementary material received thereafter will not be

<https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationInit.aspx?cid=1307&ProjectId=15 4443&DepartmentId=18980&MediaId=5&SkipAdvertisement=true>

See the call