Von: Gerriet K. Sharma
Datum: Wed, 13 Jun 2018
Betreff: Reminder: IKO/OSIL Symposium and Summer School 10th – 14th of September 2018 at MUMUTH Graz
We would like to personally invite you to our summer school and symposium from Sept. 10th to 14th 2018 that finalizes what we have been working on for the past years:
The artistic research project Orchestrating Space by Icosahedral Loudspeaker (OSIL).
In the 2-day symposium you will have the opportunity to learn where our artistic, psycho-acoustic, and audio-technical journey took us.
If you would like to give a lecture that is somehow related to the broad field – please let us know!
Within the 3-day summer school preceding the symposium it is possible to work and experiment with the 3 IEM Icosahedral Loudspeakers (IKO).
Some of the lectures and musical pieces will be invited contributions, and there will be enough time for discussion and exchange of concepts and ideas in between.
For that we will have the huge Ligeti Hall and an orchestra rehersal space as well as the foyer of the MUMUTH Graz.
AND we will have IKO 01, IKO 02 and IKO 03 as well as our new 4 cubical loudspeakers (surround with depth!) for free experiments.
You will find a more detailed timetable of the events below,
Best Regards,
Gerriet K. Sharma and Franz Zotter
Sept. 10th to 14th
##Summer School
Mo 10th : Introduction into technology and artistic techniques to orchestrate space by IKO
Working slots with IKO 1-3.
Evening discussion about the IKO’s sculptural sound phenomena and their conception, production, and reproducibility.
Tue 11th: Historic spherical loudspeakers and introduction into existing works with the IKO.
Working slots with IKO 1-3.
Mi 12th : The virtual Icosahedral Loudspeaker (vIKO)
Working slots with IKO 1-3
Do 13th :
10:00 Opening
11:00 -12:30 Lectures (1 – 3)
Lunch Break
14:00 – 16:00 Lectures (4 – 7)
17:00-18:00 Concerts and Installations
Finger Food
19:00-20:00 Concerts and Installations
Fr 14th:
9:00- 10:30 Lectures (8…11)
11:00-12:30 Lectures/Concluding Panel (12…14)
The OSIL project was funded by the PEEK/AR program of Austrian Science Fund (FWF, AR 328-G21).
Dr.art Dipl. Media Arts, MA Gerriet K. Sharma
phone: +43 316 389 3351
mobile: +43 676 477 3879
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Inffeldgasse 10/3
8010 Graz, Austria