[ 6. Juni 2019 ]

DEGEM News – HAMBURG – Einladung Konzert »Warenwirtschaft« Hamburg

Von: Christian Dimpker
Datum: Thu, 6 Jun 2019
Betreff: Einladung Konzert »Warenwirtschaft« Hamburg

Nach Uraufführung der einfachen Version in Tokio 2017 und Uraufführung der Vollversion in Berlin im letzten Monat, lade ich Sie nun nach Hamburg ein.

18.06. TONALi19 Fest / “Warenwirtschaft” Di. 20.00 / TONALi SAAL / Kleiner Kielort 3 – 5

Dimpker – N. 21 (2017) Warenwirtschaft
Für 2-3 Spieler, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Unterhaltungselektronik, Haushaltsgeräte, Haushaltsgegenstände, Mikrofone, Lautsprecher, Mundharmonikas und Tamtams
For 2-3 players, information and communication technology, consumer electronics, home appliances, household items, microphones, loudspeakers, harmonicas and tam-tams

Spieler 1: Sayaka Nojiri http://www.sayakanojiri.com
Spieler 2: Sabrina Ma http://sabrinama.com
Spieler 3: Robert Schwarz http://r-schwarz.net

Christian Dimpker: http://christiandimpker.de

The basic set up of Warenwirtschaft consists of internal devices that are placed on a stage and external devices that are situated in separate rooms, but are visualised by filming them and transmitting them in real-time on TV screens. The devices are also picked up by microphones and can then be altered by means of audio processing techniques (filter, reverberation, delay etc.). All (internal and external) devices may be transformed in this way. However, when transforming on-stage devices the original (dry) sound always mixes with the altered (wet) sound. The off-stage devices can be transformed more drastically as the original (dry) sound can be reduced to zero and hence only the altered (wet) sound be made audible. Moreover, a radio is supposed to be installed in the lobby of the concert hall and be used to tune into the news/a report. Then this signal will be recorded and played back “into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of [this] speech (…) is destroyed” (cf. Alvin Lucier: I am sitting in a room). Hence the room characteristics will become audible through this process whilst this phenomenon is transmitted to the concert hall.

N. 21 (2017) Warenwirtschaft
