[ 2. Januar 2018 ]

DEGEM News – INTERNET – Vorschau: Timo Kahlen „ARTICULATE“ sound/net art work to be released January 1, 2018

Von: Timo Kahlen
Datum: Tue, 02 Jan 2018
Betreff: Vorschau: Timo Kahlen „ARTICULATE“ sound/net art work to be released January 1, 2018

Eine neue interaktive Klang- und Netzkunstarbeit
ist entstanden und für den, der mag, online sicht- und hörbar.
Siehe Link und (bisher nur englischen) Text unten !
Wie immer: zum selber Erforschen, zum Schauen und Hören.

Timo Kahlen

This is your personal invitation to preview
Timo Kahlen’s newest sound / net art work
to be released on new year’s day, 2018
at http://www.staubrauschen.de/articulate/

The interactive work “ARTICULATE”, 2018 is generated
as you move your mouse cursor, roll over, pause or click
at the sensitive surface of the visual projection on your screen,
thereby activating multiple embedded layers of generative sound.

It presents: An uncensored dialogue. Pure sound.
Enter the dialogue. Go play, and value your freedom of speech.
In fact, it’s quite difficult to be articulate.

Please adjust the volume of your speakers or headphones.
Do allow and enable Flash Player in your browser to view the work.
Not visible or audible for Android and iOS (both without Flash compatability).

With best regards
Timo Kahlen
sound sculptor & media artist
website: http://www.timo-kahlen.de