Von: Gero Koenig
Datum: Wed, 5 Dec 2018
Betreff: Chordeograph Augmented Reality in Exhibition at ZKM Karlsruhe
Dear friends and colleagues,
I am happy to announce my new project
Chordeograph Augmented Reality in the Exhibition Open Codes at ZKM | Karlsruhe
Instrument and graphic scores as interactive video installation until 6 January 2019
A video documentation of the first concertante presentation of this work at ZKM Karlsruhe you find under https://www.chordeograph.de/auffuehrungen-performances/chordeograph-augmented-reality/ (spoken text in German, a version with english subtitles is coming soon) Thanks to the ZKM video team and galery ARTOXIN, Munich.
Gero Koenig
Gottesweg 52
50969 Koeln – Germany
+ 49 (0)221.690 29 52