[ 26. Februar 2018 ]

DEGEM News – MIAMI – FETA FM FEST featuring the legendary John Chowning.

Von: Juraj Kojs via cec conference
Datum: Wed, 21 Feb 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] FETA FM FEST featuring the legendary John Chowning.

I am delighted to invite you to our festival next week.
Hope you can make it.

March 2-4, 2018
Various Venues
Free admission
Contact: kojs@fetafoundation.org

Marking the 50th anniversary of Frequency Modulation synthesis that change the trajectory of electronic music making, FETA is welcoming its inventor, the iconic John Chowning. The festival program will include a presentation, concerts and a creative process event. Participating artists include John and Maureen Chowning, Jennifer Beattie (voice, NC), Adam Marks (piano, NYC), Diana Wade (viola, CA), Eric Umble (clarinet, NYC), Juraj Kojs (FL), Greg Evans (FL), Catalina von Wrangell (FL), Alec Druth (FL) and a creative force from the Frost School of Music, including FEME, the Frost Electronic Music Ensemble. The student and professional works will resonate in venues around town, celebrating the history and future of electronic music.

Friday, March 2:
10AM-3PM: FM Listening Room, MILL (WML135), Frost School of Music, University of Miami.
Continuous listening play list of FM-inspired electronic music pieces produced by the Frost students E. Delgado, A. Duke, D. Karcher, T. Lou, B. Montgomery, J. Speranzo, R. Tindle, D. Valchinova and B. Webster.

1:25-2:15PM: Composing Music From The Inside-Out And A Bit Of History Along The Way. John Chowning with Maureen Chowning.
Composition forum presentation. Frost School of Music.

3:30-4:30PM: Chowning and Chowning in concert. St. Bede Chapel, University of Miami. 1150 Stanford Dr, Coral Gables, FL 33146.

7-9PM: Black Queen Process II. Movement, sound and improv. MDC Live Arts Lab. Building 1, 300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33132

Saturday, March 3:
7-8PM: FM FEME. A concert featuring Frost Electronic Music Ensemble and guests Alec Druth, featuring live solo and group performances as well as radio dramas by Frost students. Center for Visual Communication. 541 NW 27th St, Miami, FL 33127.

8:30-9:30PM: Diana Wade, viola and Jennifer Beattie, voice. Emerging stars of experimental music will test your ears with virtuosity and glottal fries. Center for Visual Communication. 541 NW 27th St, Miami, FL 33127.

Sunday, March 4:
All events at St. Bede Chapel, University of Miami. 1150 Stanford Dr, Coral Gables, FL 33146
3-3:45PM: Eric Umble, clarinet. Music by G. Ortiz, E. Carter, A. Helgeson and C. Agosto.
4-4:45PM: Adam Marks, piano. Music by J. Kojs (with E. Umble), F. Sarhan and A. Shapiro.
5-6PM: FM Soundbites. Featuring cocktails mixed with festival and FM bites. Catalina von Wrangell, Greg Evans and Ben Montgomery.

The FETA FM FEST is possible with the generous support of the FETA Foundation, Harold Golen Gallery, Center for Visual Communication, MDC Live Arts, Chapel of St. Bede the Venerable, University of Miami’s Frost School of Music and Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.