[ 18. Juli 2019 ]

DEGEM News – NEWS – Books of interest?

Von: Robert Coburn via cec conference
Datum: Sat, 13 Jul 2019
Betreff: [cec-c] Books of interest?

Greetings all,
One last note about this. The movers come Friday.
I am trying to thin out my holdings as I move out of my office.

Many of you may have collections of your own but if not here are a few things I could pass on –

ICMC Proceedings from 1985, ’86, ’87, and ’92.
Musical Thought at IRCAM – Contemporary Music Review vol.1 1984
CMA Reports 1981 – Publications of Otto Laske 1972 – ’81. (529 pages)

Leonardo Music Journal Vol. 1 – 16 [1991 – 2006] with accompanying CDs.

If interested, contact me by email off-list


Robert Coburn | Professor Emeritus
Conservatory of Music | University of the Pacific