Von: Andrew Lewis via cec conference
Datum: Mon, 4 Dec 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] Call for acousmatic works – ‚SPACE‘ (Stars, Galaxies etc.) – Bangor Music Festival
Call for works, stereo or multi-channel acousmatic
We invite submissions of stereo or multi-channel acousmatic works for a
concert on a SPACE theme (that is, stars, planets, galaxies, the cosmos etc.)
(We will be selecting just one or two of the submitted works to complete an existing programme)
We very much look forward to hearing your work!
Andrew Lewis
The small print:
The concert is on 3 February 2018, in Bangor, North Wales (UK). It is part of the Bangor Music Festival
We are looking for acousmatic music / fixed-medium sonic art (broadly defined) or similar
The link with the theme must be present in some way (Spatialisation on its own is not a sufficient thematic link)
Works may be a maximum of 15 minutes duration (but shorter works are more likely to be chosen)
Works may be stereo or multi-channel, up to 24 channels
There are no limits on age or nationality of composer
Works may have been performed before
The piece may have been composed at any time (Established or ‚classic‘ works are acceptable!)
There is no fee
There is no remuneration for performance
Composers do not have to attend
We cannot pay travel or accommodation or meet any other expenses
We reserve the right not to programme any submitted work
Works may only be submitted via a weblink (WeTransfer, Drop Box etc.) allowing the download of a SINGLE ZIP file
Your ZIP file must be named: COMPOSER_NAME_Title_of_Work.zip
You ZIP file must contain ALL materials, as follows:
An interleaved audio file
A programme note and composer biography (each 250 words max)
Multi-channel works must be accompanied by a stereo reduction, for reference
Multi-channel works must be accompanied by a channel map, showing locations of channels/speakers
Deadline for submission: 23:59 GTM, Friday January 5 2018
The concert will take place in Theatre Bryn Terfel, Pontio…