[ 11. Februar 2019 ]

DEGEM News – NEWS – CALL FOR PAPERS: Sonic Cyberfeminisms

Von: Kevin Austin via cec conference
Datum: Sun, 10 Feb 2019
Betreff: [cec-c] CALL FOR PAPERS: Sonic Cyberfeminisms

Sonic Cyberfeminisms

Feminist Review is calling for articles and Open Space pieces for a themed issue on ‘Sonic Cyberfeminisms’. The submission deadline is 15 July 2019.
In recent years, debates around sound, gender and technology have increasingly gained attention, whilst the number of artist networks, archives and educational initiatives established in the hope of tackling gendered exclusions from the technocentric fields of electronic music, audio production and sound arts has expanded. Many of these initiatives overlap with some of the concerns and ideals of cyberfeminism, understood as a disparate and amorphous set of events and debates that emerged in the early-to-mid 1990s and explored the possibilities and challenges of technology, computing and Cyberspace for feminist praxis. . . .


Issue Editors: Annie Goh, Ioana Szeman, Marie Thompson and Sadie Wearing

Potential authors are invited to correspond with the editors prior to submission at agoh@gold.ac.uk, i.szeman@roehampton.ac.uk, mthompson@lincoln.ac.uk and s.wearing@lse.ac.uk.