Von: Lauren Hayes via cec conference
Datum: Mon, 30 Apr 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] Call for Participation: Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction – TEI 2019
ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) 2019
March 17-20, 2019 in Tempe, Arizona
TEI 2019 is the 13th annual conference dedicated to presenting the latest results in tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. It will be held 17th to 20th March, 2019, and is hosted by Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, USA. The conference will be sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and Arizona State University.
In the past, TEI has addressed issues of human-computer interaction, novel tools and technologies, interactive art, and user experience. The work presented at TEI has a strong focus on how computing can bridge atoms and bits into cohesive interactive systems. The particular theme this year is Hybrid Materials. Over the past few years, TEI research has increasingly embraced hybridity, whether through material explorations of composites such as bioelectronic, on-body, or active materials, or theoretical inquiries into socio-technical systems as hybrid assemblies. These hybrid, materially-oriented approaches are radically changing our understanding of what tangible interaction looks and feels like. The theme of Hybrid Materials will continue to catalyze this exciting trend of tangible interaction research at the intersection of social, technical, biological, and artistic systems.
The TEI conference has gained substantial visibility and activity over the past decade. It brings together researchers, practitioners, businesses, artists, designers and students from various disciplines, including engineering, interaction design, product design, computer science, and the arts. Application areas are diverse, including: human-augmentation, flexible and shape changing displays, haptic interaction, interactive surfaces, public art and performance, interactive robotics, games, learning, planning, automotive, fashion, furniture, architectural design, music and sound creation, as well as productivity and creativity tools in domains ranging from scientific exploration to non-linear narrative.
The intimate size of this single-track conference provides a unique forum for exchanging ideas and presenting innovative work through talks, demonstrations, posters, art installations and performances, and participating in hands-on studio/workshops. We invite submissions from all of these perspectives: theoretical, conceptual, technical, applied, or artistic.
We invite submissions to the following tracks (with corresponding submission deadlines at 12pm PST):
August 8, 2018
August 29, 2018
Arts Track
November 7, 2018
Graduate Student Consortium
November 9, 2018
Work in Progress
November 14, 2018
Student Design Challenge
November 26, 2018
Student Volunteers
January 1st, 2019 (applications deadline)
Studios and Graduate Student Consortium meeting at TEI 2019
March 17, 2019 (Sunday)
TEI 2019 Conference
March 18-20, 2019 (Monday-Wednesday)
More information about each track is available here: https://tei.acm.org/2019/index.html
Stacey Kuznetsov, Arizona State University
Daniel Saakes, KAIST
Ron Wakkary, Simon Fraser University
Luc Geurts, KU Leuven
Lauren Hayes, Arizona State University
Manfred Lau, Lancaster University
Please contact us if you have any questions: https://tei.acm.org/2019/people.html
Dr Lauren Sarah Hayes
Assistant Professor Sound Studies
Arizona State University
PARIESA (Practice and Research in Enactive Sonic Art)