Von: ‚Vincent Meelberg‘ via CEC-Conference
Datum: Mon, 8 Apr 2019Thu, 18 Jul 2019 Betreff: [cec-c] CFP: Journal of Sonic Studies – Sound Studies, Soundscapes, and Sound Art of Latin America [UPDATED]/[cec-c] ANNOUNCEMENT: Journal of Sonic Studies – Issue 18 online: Materials of Sound II (guest editor: Caleb Kelly)
JSS Call for Papers: Sound Studies, Soundscapes, and Sound Art of Latin America [UPDATED]
Music, radio, and TV broadcasts; blaring loudspeakers, public announcements, street vendors; city sounds, sounds of progress, sounds of revolution, or sounds of change; sounds deliberately produced or emerging unintentionally, serving a disciplinary function or expressing forms of freedom; musical as well as non-musical (functional) sounds; overwhelming natural sounds of rain forests, the pampas, and highlands.
Latin America is filled with sounds; indeed, its cities might count among the noisiest of the world, in notable contrast with the (relative) quietness of its rural areas and wild nature. Is it possible to identify specific Latin American soundscapes? How can they be characterized? What can be heard there? How should we listen to them, experience them, affect and be affected by them? What is their political, social, religious, ethical, economic, aesthetic influence or meaning?
The Journal of Sonic Studies is searching for scholarly and artistic contributions that deal with the connections and relationships between Latin American history, culture, society, and politics and the production, distribution, and reception of sounds, noises, and silence. The broader aim of this special issue is to establish “sound” as an analytical category that provides us with challenging perspectives on and a new understanding of Latin America. Therefore, our call does not focus on a particular historical period or research methodology, but seeks to bring together scholars and artist-researchers who share an interest in Latin American soundscapes.
Themes for submission may include but are not limited to:
– The sonic identity of any Latin American space
– Differences between American/European and Latin American soundscapes
– Latin American (contemporary) sound art
– The role, position, and function of music in contemporary Latin American societies
– Sonic histories of Latin America
– Listening cultures of Latin America
– Politics of sounds or the sounds of politics in Latin America
– The role of silence in Latin American societies and/or discourses
– The role of sounds in Latin American religious practices
– Rural “versus” urban soundscapes
Potential contributors are invited to submit completed essays by September 1, 2019.
For more information, or to submit an essay, please contact noise@sonicstudies.org
Guest editors
The Colombian philosopher and sound artist Miguel Isaza and the Brazilian researcher and sound artist Pedro Oliveira will act as guest editors of this special issue.
The Journal of Sonic Studies is a peer-reviewed, online, open access journal providing a platform for theorists and artist-researchers who would like to present relevant work regarding auditory cultures, to further our collective understanding of the impact and importance of sound for our cultures. The editors welcome scholarly as well as artistic research and also expect all contributions to have a firm theoretical grounding. Priority is given to contributions that explicitly use the Internet as a medium, e.g. by inserting A/V materials, hyperlinks, and the use of non-conventional structures. JSS invites potential contributors to use the Research Catalogue as the platform in which the submission is presented (see http://www.researchcatalogue.net/). Other submission guidelines can be found at sonicstudies.org/guidelines.
Journal of Sonic Studies – Issue 18 online: Materials of Sound II (guest editor: Caleb Kelly)
This is the second issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies (http://sonicstudies.org) focused on the Materials of Sound. In the first issue (see issue no. 16) the papers were focused on creative sonic production that engaged materials. In this issue, material sounds are found within cultures, cities, religions, movement, environmental catastrophe, and the murmurs of the crowd. The authors hear these sounds that, for the most part, are already in the world. These sonic occurrences form the basis of a developing understanding of the materials involved.
By thinking about sound as more than its physical properties, more than a series of waves, we can begin to learn about complex material realities. The essays in both journal issues depart from the question: what can sound tell us about materials?
Journal contents:
Editorial: Materials of Sound II – Caleb Kelly
Eroding Together: Mattering Processes of Sound – Samuel Thulin
Animas: Disaster, Data, and the Resonance of a River – Brian House
Beyond the Azhan: Abu Dhabi’s Cacophonous Soundscape – Diana Chester