[ 15. Oktober 2023 ]


Von: Annesley Black
Datum: Sat, 7 Oct 2023

15.10.2023 – 14:00 FRANKFURT AM MAIN CLAUDIA WARTH- 20 Jahre FGNM

Alten Seilerei, Frankfurt, Offenbacher Landstrasse 190
Annesley Black: innermost tidings of the tube (2018) for flute and endoscope camera
02.11.2023 – 19:30 BERLIN sonic.art SaxofonquartettFIELD NOTES
Musikbrauerei, Berlin, Am Schweizer Garten 82-84,
Annesley Black: not thinking about the elephants (2018) for saxophone quartet and live-electronics
ONLINEHKB Sound Arts/ Students of Brien Arsenal, Bern
Smooche de la Rooche II variations on a theme by Hazel Meyer
NEWS new teaching position – professor of composition at the Kunstuniversität Graz
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30.08.2023 – 14:00 FRANKFURT AM MAIN- CLAUDIA WARTH- 20 Jahre FGNM
Alten Seilerei, Offenbacher Landstrasse 190
Annesley Black: innermost tidings of the tube (2018) for flute and endoscope camera
It means a lot to me that a piece of mine will be played in the 20-year Jubiläum of the FGNM festival (Frankfurt society of New Musik) – a society which my husband, Robin Hoffmann and many dear friends and cherished colleagues founded 20 years ago. Since then the society has changed hands many times, and continued to support the local new music scene. Please check out the festival, which includes premieres and performances by composers Robin Hoffmann, Rolf Riehm, Julia Mihàly, Hannes Seidl, Orm Finnendahl, Frank Gerhardt, Marc Behrens, Jan Jacob Hofmann and many more… played by artists and ensembles from many generations such as Ensemble Modern, Broken Frames Syndicate, Fabrik Quartet, Carola Schlüter, Christopher Brandt, Nicolas Buzzi, Maren Schwier, etc.- see link for more details!

02.11.2023 – 19:30 BERLIN sonic.art Saxophone quartet, Martin Daske- FIELD NOTES Berlin
Musikbrauerei, Berlin, Am Schweizer Garten 82-84,
Annesley Black: not thinking about the elephants (2018) for saxophone quartet and live-electronics
Happy to be working with sonic.art saxophone quartet and Martin Daske (sound direction), who will interpret my piece not thinking about the elephants, an intricate piece with a special treatment of the concert space. Part of the FIELD NOTES Programme of INM Berlin.

check out this fantastic new film/documentation of “smooche de la rooche II – Variations on a theme by Hazel Meyer” for three athletically inclined percussionists. A wonderful performance by students of Brian Arsenal in Bern. With Justin Auer, João Calado and Nežka Prosenjak. Production: HKB Sound Arts and Brian Arsenal.

Composition Professor – Graz
I have just begun to work this week at my new position at the Kunstuniversität Graz in October as a new professor for composition. So excited to be a part of this stellar team. Also a touch sentimental to be leaving Germany after almost 20 years here. . . but eager to set this new chapter in motion! It is a fantastic school and institute, I cherish the work with students and also with my new colleagues there.

Annesley Black – KUG

yours, truly
Annesley Black


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