[ 6. Mai 2020 ]

DEGEM News – NEWS – Invitation to the internet concert of electroacoustic music

Von: Dariusz Mazurowski via Ipke Starke
Datum: Tue, 5 May 2020
Betreff: Invitation to the internet concert of electroacoustic music

I’d like to invite you to the next concert from the series New Music in the Old Town Hall, scheduled for 7th of May at 7 pm CEST. This time on YouTube. Due to the coronavirus pandemic all concerts have been canceled, so we’re forced to move our activity to the internet. Obviously after the premiere the whole concert will be permanently available on the web for those of you, who want to see it again, or can’t watch us on Thursday. Ivited artists to play almost exclusively premiere material for you: Edward Sielicki, Bożena Boba-Dyga, Lorenzo Brusci, Krzysztof Gawlas, Henrik von Coler, Mehmet Can Özer and Dariusz Mazurowski. Hope you join us and enjoy our concert. It’s an effect of a collaboration between the Baltic Sea Cultural Center, Polish Society of Electroacoustic Music, Academy of Music in Gdansk and the De eM Studio. To watch our concert use the following links:


Program can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/225889058500583/
Promotional video with invitations by all artists: https://youtu.be/TIjO7T1QFa8

Dariusz Mazurowski