Von: Ali Ostovar
Datum: Thu, 4 Jan 2018
Betreff: Re: Fwd: Invitation
I’m pleased to announce “REFLECTIONS” is officially released and it’s available now for free streaming and download in different websites like Spotify, Itunes, Deezer, and Amazon.
I hope you enjoy and feel free to share it if you like.
Transculturality between Middle Eastern/North Indian musical cultures and Western electronic music, opens new perspectives to contemporary music.
“Reflections” in 4 acts is a work for a new format of quartet (Djoze, Bansuri, Santur, Tombak) and live-electronics. (2016/17)
Conception, composition, and live-electronics: Ali Ostovar
Bansuri: Julia Ohrmann
Djoze: Bassem Hawar
Santur: Kioomars Musayyebi
Tombak & Daf: Erfan Pejhanfar
Artwork: Pooya Abbassian
Recorded live on 16.02.2017
Das Album „Reflections“, Ali Ostovars Masterprojekt, ist gerade herausgekommen und kann nun auf verschiedenen Webseiten angehört und herunter geladen werden.
Download und Streaming in Spotify, ITunes, Deezer, und Amazon.