Von: Kevin Austin via cec conference
Datum: Thu, 22 Mar 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] Journal of New Music Research increases to five issues per year
News about Journal of New Music Research
JNMR volume 47 issue 1 has recently been published, the first to use a new format for articles which affords easier reading on-line. Alert readers will note that this is two months earlier than in previous years. From 2018, JNMR will publish five issues of approximately 100 pages a year instead of four as a result of an increase in the number of high-quality submissions. Important features of the Journal are as follows.
* 2-yr Impact Factor 1.122 (2016). Impact Factors vary most strongly according to a journal’s field, so they are difficult to interpret for interdisciplinary journals like JNMR. However, this is a marked increase on previous years. It places JNMR above most music journals, equal to the best music-psychology journals, and among some computer-science journals.
* Open access by ‚green‘ (free self-archiving) or ‚gold‘ (with payment of a charge) routes is possible. For UK researchers, this conforms to the REF requirements for all panels.
* Supplementary material (audio, video, data, code, etc.) can be included alongside the online versions of articles. Authors are encouraged to use this to promote reproducible research and for data-sharing.
* Early online publication. Articles are published online as soon as proofs are approved, in advance of formal publication in an issue. All articles are professionally typeset.
* Diversity. Authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Board come from across the globe. No kind of music is excluded from consideration. Steps have been taken to increase the number of women on the Board and the number of women reviewers.
* Material published in JNMR is scientifically rigorous and musically relevant. Formulae are encouraged, but authors must explain details for an interdisciplinary readership, and research must be directed towards increasing understanding of music and musical processes.
For more information see http://explore.tandfonline.com/content/ah/nnmr-general-cfp?utm_source=CPB&utm_medium=cms&utm_campaign=JMJ02450 and http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/nnmr20/current. To submit an article, visit https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nnmr.
Alan Marsden
Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts, Lancaster University, UK
Editor, Journal of New Music Research