[ 13. Juni 2020 ]

DEGEM News – NEWS – More Sonology online concerts

Von: Kees Tazelaar
Datum: Thu, 16 May/28 May 2020
Betreff: Re: More Sonology online concerts

Dear members of Sonology’s concert mailing list,

The annual Wave Field Synthesis festival that is hosted by Ji Youn Kang in collaboration with The Game of Life had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of the concert on 30 May 2020, Ji selected some pieces that are rendered for headphones with the WFSCollider software. Please note that in the SoundCloud playlist there are programme notes for each piece.

Enjoy listening!


Sonology WFS Festival 2020


From: Kees Tazelaar

Subject: Re: More Sonology online concerts

And of course, the Konrad Boehmer Visiting Professors‘ playlist includes a work by Peter Ablinger too!

Dr. Kees Tazelaar
Hoofd van het Instituut voor Sonologie
Head Institute of Sonology

+31 (70) 3151466
Aanwezig op ma, di, wo & do

Koninklijk Conservatorium
Royal Conservatoire

Juliana van Stolberglaan 1
2595 CA Den Haag-NL
From: Kees Tazelaar

Subject: More Sonology online concerts

Dear members of the Sonology Concerts mailing list,

Under normal circumstances we would have been together tonight in the Royal Conservatoire’s wonderful Arnold Schoenbergzaal, enjoying multichannel fixed media pieces, live electronic music, improvised music, etc.

Instead, Konrad Boehmer Visiting Professors Nic Collins, Horacio Vaggione, Daniel Teruggi, Evan Parker and Cathy van Eck were kind enough to make their work available to you through an online playlist, which you will find here:

Konrad Boehmer Visiting Professors Playlist

Several composers at Sonology, including myself, have been making special binaural mixes of their works, which will give a multichannel playback experience when listened to on headphones. A SoundCloud playlist, which will see regular updates, is available here:

Sonology Binaural Playlist

Please feel free to share this email with anyone interested.

Kees Tazelaar and all students and staff at Sonology.