Von: Lorber, Martin
Datum: Mon, 5 Feb 2018
Betreff: DEGEM Newsletter Veröffentlichungswunsch
New Music series on soundcloud: „Twitter Music“ from Martin Lorber
Link: https://soundcloud.com/martinlorber/sets/twitter-music
Twitter Music is a series of miniature electroacoustic music pieces from Martin Lorber. Some pieces include Musique concrète like recordings. Each movement is exactly 140 seconds long and tries to transport a short story, a feeling, nothing, or whatever, in that limited amount of time – such like Tweets on Twitter.
Martin Lorber (born 1967 in Stuttgart/Germany) is a composer of electroacoustic music. He has studied Musicology, Philosophy and Ethnology at the University of Cologne and started his career as music critic. After a journalistic traineeship he worked as editor and radio presenter at the South German Broadcasting SDR followed by leading PR positions at the Cologne Philharmonic Hall and Electronic Arts. He has been playing double bass in different jazz bands in Stuttgart and Cologne since the eighties.