Von: Annesley Black
Datum: Tue, 22 Sep 2020
Betreff: NEWS- Radio-online-Frankfurt-Stuttgart
It is the beginning of autumn, the beginning of the passing of 2020, the falling away of a pretty bizarre year – and I have some harvest to reap.
23.09.2020, 23:03 SWR II (Radio) – A piece . . . N. Hodges
This Wednesday, 23.09. at 23:03 a fantastic new recording of my piece a piece that is a size that is recognized as not a size but a piece for piano solo, with Nicolas Hodges, made at the SWR studio this February, will be broadcast on SWR 2. You can also livestream it online.
I hope many can tune in to hear this very special production.
other news
most projects have been postponed to 2021, apart from some valliant undertakings, which deserve mentioning:
HAMMER HAMMER– ensemble E-MEX will present an online video-premiere of my new revised version of HAMMER HAMMER with completely new electronics – more news to come.
Abgespecktes nicht Abgefackeltes in July/ August I transformed some sketches for my upcoming double-concerto into a miniature for Ensemble Cairn (dir. Guillaume Bourgogne). The ensemble has made a wonderful recording of this, which will be posted on their website – more news to come.
Currently I am working hard on my double—concerto for lupophone and No-Input-Mixer (abgefackelte Wackelkontakte), to be premiered Oct. 2021 – Donaueschingen MusikTage- SWR Sinfonieorchester, Brad Lubman, Peter Veale (Lup.), Mark Lorenz Kysela (N.I.M).
Save the Date:
10.10.2020, 15:00-17:00 – HR 2 Kultur (RADIO) – PORTRAIT
Musikland Hessen – HR 2 Kultur
Portrait Annesley Black
Redaktion/ Moderation Christiane Hillebrand
23.10.2020, 19:30 – FRANKFURT – innermost tidings of the tube
Frankfurt am Main/ Dr. Hoch’s Konservatorium – Clara Schumann Saal
Annesley Black: “innermost tidings of the tube”
for flute and endoscope camera projection
Jens Josef, flute
29.11.2020, 20:00 – STUTTGART – smooche de la rooche II
Stuttgart / Theaterhaus / Südseite-P1
Annesley Black: „smooche de la rooche II“
for 3 athletically inclined percussionists and electronics
Pony Says
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy start to the fall season.
Annesley Black
Annesley Black 60431 Frankfurt a.M
Publishers: http://www.editionjulianeklein.de/black
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjwNKprlXfrxojcDgJrvHZQ