Von: gnm deutschland
Datum: Tue, 14 Aug 2018
Betreff: RENINDERR Ausschreibung Weltmusiktage 2019 in Estland
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde der GNM
Die ersten Einreichungen haben uns inzwischen erreicht – vielen Dank dafür – der Rücklauf könnte aber durchaus noch größer sein, Aus diesem Grund schicke ich Ihne/Euch noch einmal die Aufforderung, werke für die Weltmusiktage in Estland einzureichen. – Es ist noch bis Sonntagabend Zeit, seine Unterlagen mittels einer Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/de/) oder dergleichen hochzuladen und dann den Link an olbrisch@ignm-deutschland.de und info@ignm-deutschland.de zu schicken.
Insbesondere möchten wir Komponist*innen unter 35 Jahren zur Teilnahme auffordern (bzw. alle anderen, diese Mail an Junge Komponist*innen weiter zu leiten), da es hier auch noch den „Young Composer Award“ (siehe auch: https://www.iscm.org/activities/ycawards) gibt, bei dem es doch schön wäre, wenn dieses Jahr wieder ein deutscher Beitrag teilnehmen könnte.
Viele Grüße
Mathias Lehmann
[Content of attached text:]
ISCM WMD in Estonia aims to introduce contemporary music and the extremely diverse forms of its manifestation. The festival mainly focuses on choral music in its various expressions of genre and style. On the other hand, the festival concentrates on experiments between music and other artistic disciplines, including the intersections between music and architecture, theatre, audiovisual art, and literature. Therefore, we are inviting composers and sections to propose musical works dealing with the abovementioned themes while reflecting contemporary music in as rich and extensive spectrum as possible.
We would like to encourage young composers to apply, because of the ISCM Young Composer’s Award, supported by Music on Main, which in 2019 will award 5000€ to a composer aged 35 or younger whose work is performed at the festival. The 5000€ prize includes a commission for a new piece that will be performed during a future edition of the ISCM World Music Days.
Category 1 Orchestral works
Category 2 String orchestra
Category 3 Wind ensemble with conductor
Category 4 Ensemble with conductor
Category 5 Chamber music 1-6 players (“Pierrot Plus Percussion” etc. and subsets) Category 6 Chamber music 1-5 players (ensembles involving the traditional Estonian kannel)
Category 7 String quartet
Category 8 1-2 instruments
Category 9 Mixed choir
Category 10 Male choir
Category 11 Female choir
Category 12 Electronic pieces & Installations
Category 13 Jazz ensemble
Category 14 Free improvisation
World Music Days 2019 is jointly present with the annual contemporary music festival Estonian Music Days, organized by Estonian Composers’ Union.
The event takes place from 2th to 10th May in Tallinn and Tartu.
More info:
www.worldmusicdays2019.ee info@worldmusicdays2019.ee
Category 1
Orchestral works
(Max 4fl, 4ob, 3fag, 4cl, 4Hn, 4trpt, 4tbn, 1tb, 5perc, 1hp, Strings: 17, 14, 12, 10, 8)
For further reference please visit:
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra http://www.erso.ee
Soloists are possible, if the section covers the costs.
Category 2
String orchestras
a) String orchestra
55432 (players, not stands) 10′-15′
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra http://www.filharmoonia.ee/tko
b) String orchestra with mixed choir
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir 6666
Category 3
Wind ensemble with conductor *
2 fl, 1 ob, 3 cl, 1 fag, 2 alt-sax, 1 ten-sax, 1 bar-sax, 3 Corni, 4 trbe, 3 trni, 2 euf, 2 tb, 1 Cb, 4 perc, guit.
The event takes place in open air. Traditional brass band genres such as marches etc are welcome.
Category 4

Ensemble with conductor
a) Large ensemble 6-8 players and mezzo soprano with conductor
with optional electronics
fl, cl, 2 perc, pf, vln, vla, vc and mezzo-sopr
up to 15′
Norrbotten NEO (Sweden) http://norrbottensmusiken.se/ensembler/norrbotten-neo/
b) Ensemble works with audiovisuals
fl, cl, e-guitar, perc, vno, vla, vc, electronics up to 20′
Tallinn New Music Ensemble – https://enmtallinn.com/
Category 5
Chamber music 1-6 players
a) Ensemble with optional live electronics. Works will be staged in a theatrical context
Fl, Cl, Perc, Pf, Vno, Vc
up to 15′
U: http://uuu.ee/
By submitting to this category, the composers confirm to agree that their pieces will be performed in a theatrical context and setting.
All possible combinations of given instruments from solos to the full ensemble are
b) Ensemble 1-5 players with electronics
Fl, Cl, Arpa, Pf, Vc
up to 15′
Defunensemble (Finland) http://www.defunensemble.fi/
All possible combinations of given instruments from solos to the full ensemble are welcome.
c) Ensemble of 4 players ob, perc, vc, cb
up to 20′
Copeco All stars http://www.copeco.net/

All possible combinations of given instruments from solos to the full ensemble are welcome.
Category 6
Chamber music 1-5 players
a) Ensemble of 4 players with vocal soloist.
Concert will have literary addition (in the format of Poetry slam). Composers are encouraged to offer a poem or literary excerpt, which is to be read before or after the performance of the piece
Fl, Kannel, Vc, alto
up to 10′
Ensemble Resonabilis
All possible combinations of given instruments from solos to the full ensemble are
Pieces originally conceived for other instruments that are similar to the Kannel (e.g. kantele, kokle, kankles, harp, guitar, koto, gayageum, qin etc) are welcome. If it is not possible to perform the part written for that instrument on a kannel, then the composer who is proposing the piece is expected to rework the part so that it is playable on the kannel .
b) Ensemble of 1-3 players
harp, kannel, harpsichord up to 15′
Ensemble Una Corda http://unacorda.net/
All possible combinations of given instruments from solos to the full ensemble are welcome.
Scores featuring instruments similar to the kannel would also be considered if the part is playable on a kannel or could be adapted by the composer, as per Category 6a above.
Category 7
String quartet
up to 10′
Ensemble Yxus http://www.yxusensemble.ee/

Category 8
1-2 instruments
a) 2 pianos (solo or duo) + optional electronics (prerecorded material)
Pieces up to 10′
Kadri-Ann Sumera / Talvi Hunt
b) 2 Double bases
Pieces up to 5’
Jaanus Siniväli / Kristin Kuldkepp
c) 2 percussionists (non pitched percussion instruments only)
Pieces up to 5’
Vambola Krigul / Madis Metsamart
d) 2 clarinetists (available instruments 2 Cl in B, 1 Cl in basso and 1 Cl in Es) Pieces up to 5’
Signe Sõmer / Helena Tuuling
e) Koto and Estonian chromatic Kannel (solo or duo)
Pieces up to 15’
Kristi Mühling / Naoko Kikuchi
http://kristimyhling.com/kannel/ http://www.resonabilis.com/index_eng.html
Works originally scored for other instruments would also be considered if the composer is willing to adapt them so that they are playable as per Categories 6a and 6b above.
f) flute, soprano and electronics
Pieces up to 15’
AFEKT Soloists: Monika Mattiesen
Sirje Aleksandra Viise, Tammo Sumera (electronics) g) organ solo (with optional electronics)
Pieces up to 15’
Ulla Krigul
h) Violin and electronics (live electronics or Buchla) George Kentros / Mattias Petersson http://nomoremusic.se/
Pieces up to 5’
Category 9: Mixed choir 5′-15′
a) a cappella
b) with electronics (pre-recorded only)
c) with solo instrument (Fl, Cl, Perc, Vno, Vc and C-b are possible) and optional electronics. Please choose one solo instrument from the list above.

d) with 1 tenor soloist
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
A cappella, electronics, Solo instruments
Vox clamantis
4344 (2+2)
A cappella, electronics
Latvian Radio Choir
A cappella
Collegium Musicale
A cappella, Tenor Soloist
Category 10
Male choir
49 singers
up to 10′
a) a cappella
b) with 1-4 string instruments (2 Vno, Vla, Vc)
Estonian National Male Choir https://concert.ee/en/kollektiiv/eesti-rahvusmeeskoor/
Category 11
Female choir
16, 12, 15, 9
up to 10′
a) a cappella
b) with early music instruments

Hortus Musicus
1) discant and alto bombard (also recorders from soprano to bass)
2) recorders from sopranino to bass, dulcian, tenor bombard, rauschpfeiff 3) tenor and bass trombones
4) violin
5) g-violone (tuning from up c-g-d-a-e-b)
6) double bass
7) cembalo/organ
8) tenor voice, percussion*
9) baritone voice, percussion*
10) bass voice, percussion*
* renaissance drums, cymbals, tambourines etc.
Category 12
Electronic pieces & Installations
Estonian Electronic Music Society ́s Ensemble
live electronics (up to 6 players). Possible equipment: Max Msp, C-sound, DIY electronics, synthesizers (analog, digital, modular).
a) Electroacoustic pieces for tape (prerecorded MP3 file) only.
up to 20′
b) Electroacoustic pieces for live electronics (up to 6 players. Max Msp, C-sound,
DIY electronics)
c) Installations
Sound installations of smaller size, which will be placed in the context of the concert venues
Category 13
Jazz ensemble
up to 6-7 players, chosen from:
voice, saxophone, piano, guitar, bass, drums (additional instruments can be added). Different combinations are encouraged: 2 voices; 2 drums, etc.
The use of pre-recorded electronic sound is also welcome. Composers should submit stereo sound files along with their performance materials.
Priority given to works of 6′ or less. All combinations of saxophones is also suitable. It is possible to submit a piece that uses 2 drummers.

In collaboration with Estonian Jazz Union
Category 14 Free improvisation
up to ca 15’-20’
Hosted by Improtest series
This category is open to composers-improvisers. It is possible to perform with the Improtest house band (1 keyboard player, 1 electric guitarist). The composers are requested to send some demo material.