[ 6. März 2018 ]

DEGEM News – NEWS – Seeing Sound Line-Up Online!

Von: Joseph Hyde
Datum: Mon, 26 Feb 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] Seeing Sound Line-Up Online!

It’s been a bit of an epic undertaking, but the line-up for Seeing Sound, Bath Spa University’s long-standing symposium on Visual Music, is up on our site:


This year we have a bit of a Montréal / Vidéomusique theme going on, with Jean Piché and Myriam Boucher as two of our Keynote Speakers, and performances from Maxime Corbeil-Perron and Pierre Luc Lecours (with Myriam Boucher). We’re also delighted to welcome Keynote Speaker Derek Holzer (Helsinki/Berlin), who is leading a strand on Vector Synthesis.

There are a few things to add, some details to follow, and no doubt one or two errors, but it’s getting close. We’re really excited by the programme, and honoured to have been sent so much great material, some of it from members of this list – thanks!