[ 19. August 2018 ]

DEGEM News – NEWS – [Software] BAT v4.06

Von: Andrew Lewis via cec conference
Datum: Mon, 13 Aug 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] BAT v4.06

Some of you will already know BAT, my audio tools made in Max. They were made for myself and my students, and they pretty much do what we want most of the time – although sometimes they don’t. If anyone else would like to use them, you can now get v4 here…

(Please note, there are many older versions of this software out there, going back many years. If you happen to have any of these on your system, you need to trash it all completely – or at least zip it or something – or you might get even more quirks and bugs than you were expecting. And that is already quite a few.)
