From: Christopher Kissel via cec conference
Date: 2019 January 29
Subject: The Four Year Anniversary of!
Greetings to all!
I am thrilled to report that today marks the four year anniversary of the website, which provides a collection of resources for individuals interested in upmixing older mono source material to stereo through the use of spectral editing, sound source separation, and related processes. Over the past four years there have been almost 25,000 visits to the website by individuals in 135 countries!
There are now over 1,400 links to research papers, presentations, posters, etc. on the RESEARCH pages of the website!
There are currently 46 tools listed on the TOOLS pages of the website:
There are currently almost 100 examples of upmixes from mono to stereo linked to on the MEDIA pages of the website. Be sure to check them out!
Be sure to also check out the links to the many commercial releases making use of this technology:
There is also a companion Facebook page for the website where I post updates and related content. Be sure to stop by the Facebook page and “Like” us to follow the website for updates!
It is very gratifying to see the increasing use of this technology and hear the superb results which are possible with it! The tools which make these incredible upmixes from mono to stereo possible continue to improve and new tools continue to be introduced regularly. If you haven’t already done so, please check out the website and witness an emerging technology which is making the previously impossible possible!
I sincerely hope that you find the website interesting, informative, useful, and thought provoking! I appreciate your interest and support over the past four years and welcome those of you who are new to the website! Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated!
Best regards,
Christopher Kissel
Owner & Webmaster of