Von: Elainie Lillios via cec conference
Datum: Tue, 13 Nov 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] Fwd: Xenakis
Dear composers,
We are thrilled to announce the Second International Electroacoustic Composition Competition IANNIS XENAKIS.
Applications are now open.
We are looking forward to receive your electroacoustic compositions.
Please visit our website for more information.
With Kind Regards
—Dimitris Maronidis
ΙΑΝΝΙS XENAKIS International Electronic Music Competition
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Contemporary Music Lab
[…] To make music means to express human intelligence by sonic means -Iannis Xenakis
– The competition is anonymous and open to composers of any nationality and age, each of whom may submit only one work.
– The composers who were awarded in 2016 Xenakis competition cannot participate to the 2018 competition.
– The submitted work shall be an electroacoustic composition, it is meant to be diffused by loudspeakers, without any intervention of live sound sources.
– The submitted work might implement a maximum of 8 channels and must have a duration between 7 and 15 minutes.
– The submitted work may have been performed in concert but It should not be the object of any discographic publication/rights.
– The deadline for submission is 31st of December 2018.
The Jury will select and mention the 5 highest quality works and will award three of them with prizes of €600 €400 €300 respectively. Contemporary Music Lab will present the distincted pieces in a concert in April 2019.
The entry fee for participation is 15€. You can use the following links to pay on-line.
[Greek Citizens payment] [Non-Greek Citizens payment]
Alternatively you can wire transfer to the following bank account:
Xenakis Competition – Eidikos Logariasmos Kondilion Erevnas A.P.TH. KE.D.E.A.
Tritis Septemvriou University Campus GR 54636 Thessaloniki Greece.
IBAN: GR98 0172 2020 0052 0200 2079 933. BIC Code: PIRBGRAΑ.
(please send us a receipt of payment along with your submission).
– All applicants should submit a single zip file containing the following files inside a single folder:
i. A short biography, contact information and information about the piece in the following formats: (.doc, .txt, .rtf or .pdf).
ii. 1 Audio file (.aiff or .wav format, 16bit or 24bit at 44,1kHz sampling rate) containing the stereo version of the piece.
iii. Additionally, for multichannel pieces the audio files corresponding to each of the channels inside a separate folder along with set-up/routing information on a separate sheet
iv. Please include also the pdf receipt of the fee payment
– Please name the ZIP file as following: IX2018_Name_Surname_TitleOfThePiece (e.g. IX2018_Nick_Edison_Title).
– Please use the following link to register your details and upload your piece
By entering his/her work in the competition, the composer consents to public performances free of charge of his/her work in concerts and/or radio broadcasting.
The composer retains the copyright of his/her work. The files entered in the competition shall remain in the archives of Contemporary Music Lab of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Trevor Wishart (UK) – Chair
Ludger Brümmer (DE)
Oliver Carman (UK)
Panayiotis Kokoras (GR/USA)
Joao Pedro Oliveira (PT)
For any additional information please do not hesitate to get in contact with us
Dimitris Maronidis
ΙΑΝΝΙS XENAKIS International Electronic Music Competition
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Contemporary Music Lab
[…] To make music means to express human intelligence by sonic means -Iannis Xenakis