Von: ralph hopper
Datum: Thu, 8 Jul 2021
Betreff: Acoustic Frontiers playlist June 2021
Acoustic Frontiers playlist
Airing on CKCU-FM (www.ckcufm.com for live streaming), 93.1, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – for playlist and On Demand audio archive go to: http://cod.ckcufm.com/programs/46/info.html
12:30 to 14:00 eastern time zone, each Monday
Host/producer – Ralph Hopper
Email: ralph.hopper@rogers.com
Note: Acoustic Frontiers celebrates 15 years in July and also the end of the program with the July 26 program
June 2021 #806-809
Sarah Boothroyd Deep Wireless 8 All in Time
Yves Daoust Deep Wireless 8 About Time
Tom Williams self Seeking a steady state and singing
Tom Williams self Can
Claude Periard SYNAPSES Synapse 001
Claude Periard SYNAPSES Jonction 1
Claude Periard SYNAPSES Synapse 002
Genrietta Park Kulturi Leningradka
Douglas Schmidt and John Oliver Isolation Journal 2 Tree Breath
Douglas Schmidt and John Oliver Isolation Journal 2 22 Breaths
Douglas Schmidt and John Oliver Isolation Journal 2 Giant Breath
Lawrence Cherney/David Keane Tongues of Angels Tango
David Jaeger / Joseph Petric Shadow Box Shadow Box
Alexandra Gardner / Robert Armengol Luminoso Ayehli
Keith Hamel / Robert Cram AMP Krishna’s Flute
Jesus Jara / Andres Lewin-Richter Tuba & Electronics Secuencia XIV
Xelo Giner / Francois Rosse Saxophone and electronics Ost Atem
Stephen Ruppenthal / Allen Strange Flamethrower Misty Magic Land
David Jaffe CDCM Computer Music Series vol 15 Terra Non Firma
Lucio Garau self Numeri=Robert Gross Chronicles Chronicles
Julie Herndon SEAMUS 30 A Long Postlude
Elizabeth Hoffman SEAMUS 30 clouds pattern
Jeremy Young Amaro Tiny Pine Cones
Jeremy Young Amaro Electricity Over Mirabel
Georges Forget Le dernier present L’appel
Moody Alien Nations of I Steve was Left
Lars Gunnar Bodin Cultures Electroniques 9 For Jon – Fragments of a time to come
Barry Truax Digital Soundscapes Riverrun
Dean Rosenthal self Ear Trainer
Nicholas Hender self The State of the Nihil
Mei-Ling Lee SEAMUS 30 Giant Dipper
45north band – great Canadian jazz [info on web site]
Acoustic Frontiers, each Monday at 12.30pm [eastern] at 93.1 fm in Ottawa or for live streaming and On Demand archive – https://cod.ckcufm.com/programs/46/info.html
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