[ 30. April 2018 ]

DEGEM News – RADIO – JTTP 2017 Broadcast | GroundSwell Radio (16/23 Apr)

Von: CEC jef chippewa
Datum: Mon, 23 Apr 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] Re: JTTP 2017 Broadcast | GroundSwell Radio (16/23 Apr)

PART 2 (of 2) is on air right now!

PART 1 (16 April) available here:

Closing off a trio of JTTP 2017 broadcasts out of Winnipeg, Heidi Ouellette, host of Winnipeg’s GroundSwell Radio, presents the winning works from the 18th edition of JTTP. Coordinated annually by the CEC, Jeu de temps / Times Play promotes the work of emerging composers and sound artists in Canada. GroundSwell Radio is an initiative of GroundSwell, Manitoba’s only series dedicated to presenting contemporary music.

JTTP 2017 is featured in eContact! 20.1 (February 2018), the CEC’s online journal of electroacoustic practices. http://econtact.ca/20_1

GROUNDSWELL RADIO. People are still writing classical music! Tune into GroundSwell Radio for chamber and orchestral music from the 20th century and beyond. Winnipeg’s only New Music radio broadcast brought to you by Winnipeg’s only New Music concert series. Hosted by Heidi Ouelette, Mondays 14:00-15:00 on CKUW 95.9 FM (Winnipeg MB).

GroundSwell on Facebook: http://facebook.com/gswell.ca

€ [PODCAST] The last 8 or so shows

1. Xavier Madore — Les loges de la suite (2017 / 11:11)
2. Pierre-Luc Lecours — Éclats | Blanc (2015 / 10:19)
3. Pierre-Luc Senécal — Urban Gardens (2017 / 11:25)
4. Samuel Béland — Naïca (2017 / 7:35), [VIDEOMUSIC]
5. Xavier Ménard — Fragmentation(s) (2017 / 6:50)

JTTP — JEU DE TEMPS / TIMES PLAY, coordinated by the Canadian Electroacoustic Community since 2000, is an annual project aimed at promoting and celebrating new electroacoustic works by young and/or emerging sound artists/composers from (or living in) Canada.

Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community
HOME http://cec.sonus.ca \|\ JOURNAL http://econtact.ca
http://FACEBOOK.com/cec.sonus \|\ http://TWITTER.com/cec_ca