Von: Charles Martin via Kevin Austin via cec conference
Datum: Thu, 25 Jan 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] Music computing academic positions in Oslo (Charles Martin)
There’s many PhD fellowships, postdoc and a few associate professor jobs available at the University of Oslo right now – some closing on 31/1.
These are associated with our new centre of excellence, RITMO, for interdisciplinary studies in rhythm, time, and motion: http://www.hf.uio.no/ritmo/english/
I can vouch that UiO is a great place to work, with great Norwegian and international colleagues (like me!), and this a chance to join an exciting new research centre at the intersection of music, computing, and psychology.
Here’s the jobs:
Hope these are of interest to someone here!
Charles Martin
Postdoctoral Fellow,
University of Oslo, Department of Informatics
+47 920 14 165
Current Projects:
EPEC (Engineering Prediction with Embodied Cognition)
MicroJam: App for sharing tiny touch-screen performances