Von: Julia Mihaly
Datum: Wed, 22 Nov 2017
Betreff: Call for Application International Summer Course Darmstadt
Call for Applications: Workshop „Voice Electrification“
Workshop on Composing for voice and live-electronics
Tutor: Julia Mihály (voice & live-electronics)
Workshop with selection process
For participants of the Darmstadt Summer Course 2018 (vocalists, composers)
Maximum number of participants: 8-10
Passive participation: possible upon arrangement
Deadline for submission of applications: 15 January 2018
Working phases:
Phase 1: 16–20 March 2018 (SELMA Frankfurt/Main)
Phase 2: 14–28 July 2018 (Darmstadt Summer Course)
Target group: Composers, vocalists, vocal performers
Prior knowledge:
Composers: Prior knowledge of a common audio programming environment (Max / Max for Live, Pd, SuperCollider, Csound, Reaktor, or similar)
Vocalists: Classical vocal training is appreciated but not mandatory. Experience with electronics is not required.
Please note that there will be an additional voice studio by Donatienne Michel-Dansac which also has a selection procedure. If you’d like to be considered for Donatienne’s class as well, please remark this in your e-mail. It will be possible to work in both classes.
Required participants’ equipment:
It is assumed that everyone participating as a composer will bring their own laptop and an audio interface. Controllers such as MIDI controllers, motion sensors, USB cams, gaming devices, wearable controllers etc. can be brought if available.
• Chamber-music interaction between performer and computer
• Expansion of the vocal sound spectrum by means of live-electronics and exploration of forms of vocal expression beyond physiological boundaries
• The performer’s body as an interface
• Use of electronic devices in performances
The workshop addresses both composers and classical vocalists or vocal performers. In a process of joint experimenting compositions performed by voice and live-electronics are to be developed with a focus on the aspect of chamber-music interaction between vocalist and computer. Pieces for live-electronics are expressly welcome. It is intended to present the compositions created during the workshop in the framework of a workshop concert. Composers and vocalists will jointly become acquainted with perspectives and challenges of the combination voice & live-electronics and explore possibilities within their own artistic expression. In this context, the following issues will be covered, among others:
• How can vocalists react to electronic alienation of their own voices in a multi-faceted way and interact with such alienation?
• Which vocal techniques are best suited for which electronic modulation procedures?
• How much knowledge of vocal sound production is required for composers and how much information do vocalists need for a conscious and creative use of electronic sound modulation?
• How can the control of electronics be integrated into the performance during singing?
• How much control of electronics can be exercised by vocalists on stage without causing too much distraction?
• How must pieces and pertaining patches be designed in order to enable performance by the vocalists themselves during standard concerts without the composer’s attendance?
• What extent of technical equipment is viable for standard concerts? What extent of technical complexity is acceptable in view of reliable performability?
• How can pieces for voice and live-electronics be notated in a sensible and viable way?
Important note on the call for applications
Please send the following documents to
voiceelectrification@internationales-musikinstitut.de by 15 January 2018 at the latest.
• 1 PDF with a maximum of 3 pages:
• CV (short version)
• Project draft of 2 pages maximum
• 2 works (complete pieces or excerpts).
Please send large documents e.g. via wetransfer.com.
Julia Mihály will select eight to ten submissions until the end of January 2018 at the latest. The eight to ten selected artists must be registered participants of the Summer Course and will be given preference when awarding the places. Registration is possible between 15 January and 15 April 2018. No scholarships will be granted for this project.
This project is realised in cooperation with
Studio für elektronische Musik und Akustik (SELMA)
of Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt/Main.