[ 26. Februar 2018 ]

DEGEM News – STUDIUM – Invitation for Applications to Music Psychology MA Programme at University of York (Start 2018-19)

Von: Hauke Egermann via ak-discourse
Datum: Tue, 20 Feb 2018
Betreff: [ak-discourse] Invitation for Applications to Music Psychology MA Programme at University of York (Start 2018-19)

Dear Colleagues,
we are inviting applications for our new Music Psychology MA programme at the Department of Music, University of York starting in the academic year 2018-19. Please distribute this message to anyone who might be interested (undergraduate students in music, psychology, or related disciplines).

Thank you,
Hauke Egermann

Director of the York Music Psychology Group (YMPG)
Music Science and Technology Research Cluster

Home page

Course title: MA in Music: Music Psychology

Come and study on one of the best music departments in the UK and wordwide! Our word-class department was ranked TOP 10 in “The Guardian League Table 2018” and a World Top 50 department for studying and researching music (QS World University Rankings, 2016).

The York Music Psychology Group (YMPG) invites for applications to its new postgraduate Music Psychology programme at the Department of Music, University of York, UK starting in the academic year 2018-19.

The 1-year course comprises four modules plus various other teaching activities (together 180 credits):
-Module 1: Research Topics in Music Performance,
-Module 2: Research Topics in Music Perception and Cognition,
-Module 4: Research Skills (Study design, statistics and data analysis, and research presentation),
-Module 3: Independent master thesis,
-weekly tutorials,
-and a research colloquium.

Please find more course information here:

Applications are welcome at any time.

If you have any further questions, please contact Dr. Hauke Egermann (pathway director).