From: Roger Mills
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 09:56:42 +1100
Subject: ZKM Ethernet Orchestra Radio Feature
Hi All,
The Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany is
broadcasting a radio feature on Ethernet Orchestra through their DEGEM
web radio from today through till the end of January. The two hour
program documents our performances over the last two years and
contains interviews with the musicians speaking about their
experiences of working with the project and the different aspects of
the telematic improvisatory music making. Thanks to radio journalist
Mirko Heinemann and blackhole-factory for supporting it.
The program is broadcast twice a day for a month and can be listened
to a different times each day. It is scheduled within program block E
Access broadcast and ZKM
Monday: 10am + 10pm
Tuesday: 8am + 8pm
Wednesday: 6am + 6pm
Thursday: 4am + 4pm
Friday: 2am + 2pm
Saturday: 0am and 0pm
Sunday: 6am + 6pm
These times are CET Central European Time == UTC + 1 hour
Enjoy !
Roger Mills
M: 0403 414495