[ 29. Mai 2010 ]

DEN HAAG – alvin lucier in the hague may 29+30

From: anne wellmer
Subject: alvin lucier in the hague may 29+30

29 may festival Dag in de Branding
15h Ministerie van Financien | Den Haag
Oresteia | opera by Iannis Xenakis
A l v i n L u c i e r i n D e n H a a g
16-22:00 Korzo5Hoog | DeBink 36 | Den Haag
16-22:00 video documentation on Alvin Lucier
16:30 introduction by Nicolas Collins
17-21:30 music by and with Alvin Lucier
18:00-19:30 dinner buffet
20-23:00 Celestial Vault by James Turrell | Kijkudin
Sferics | installation by Alvin Lucier
30 may 14h Royal Conservatory | Den Haag
I am sitting in a room | Spatial Interaction Lab
Everything is Real | lecture by Alvin Lucier

see also
festival website

Ministerie van Financiën | Korte Voorhout 7 | Den Haag
Korzo5HOOG | BINK36 | Binckhorstlaan 36 | Den Haag
Celestial Vault | Machiel Vrijenhoeklaan 175 | Kijkduin
Koninklijk Conservatorium | Juliana van Stolberglaan 1 | Den Haag

((( many thanks to Stroom & the Royal Conservatory )))

* anne wellmer