[ 8. Juni 2012 ]

DEN HAAG – Sonology Final Exam Concerts 2012

Von: Kees Tazelaar
Datum: Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012 16:52
Betreff: Sonology Final Exam Concerts 2012

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Five (5!) concerts with electroacoustic music by students from the
Institute of Sonology.
There will be pieces for fixed media, live electronics, electronics
with acoustic instruments, voice with electronics and more. With
Ensemble Modelo62, Yolanda Uriz (flute), Angélica Vázquez (Harp), Mei
Yi Lee (percussion) and a large multi-channel loudspeaker setup.
Additionally, on 18, 19, 20 and 21 June there will be a sound
installation by Sara Pinheiro in Room Son014 of the Royal
Conservatory. Seven people can attend at the same time at 17:00,
17:30, 18:00, 18:30 and 19:00.

See you all there!

