Jim Campbell beendet seine Konzertreihe „baender bender“ im Dortmunder
Domicil mit dem Konzert am
23.Dezember (21 Uhr) …
Von: james campbell
Datum: 20. Dezember 2010 23:20:18 MEZ
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
Betreff: final concert: baender bender 23.12.10 @ domicil dortmund
sei herzlich eingeladen(!!!),
am donnerstag, 23 dezember 2010 um 21 uhr im jazzclub domicil,
dortmund, hansastr. 7-11,
zum FINALE von
baender bender
__monatliche clubnight/plattform für improvisierte elektro-akustische
„music for astronauts with thick beards“: so hat fostex 160 kapitän
jim campbell seine konzertreihe „baender bender“ untertitelt. dabei
stellt der tape-dj jeden monat eine neue crew zusammen – ausgestattet
mit klangerzeugern von archaisch bis postmodern – und hebt ab richtung
„was wäre, wenn..?“ im dezember sind dabei:
simon camatta: drums / electronics / attitude
maik ollhoff : drums / electronics / discriminating taste
tobias daemgen : visuals / projections / sublimation / laser octopus
achim kämper : electronics / percussion / voice / honourable mention
in the category „experimental beard“ 2010
jim campbell : cassette scratch kit / shredaptor / slight bitterness
„ender aender“
after three & a half years of good times, chance encounters, naive
hybrids & new friends, baender bender is set to go out with a bang on
the night before the night before christmas. i am not entirely happy
with this programming decision, i must say, but i am also not entirely
sad. i would like to turn more time & attention towards getting on the
road more. however, rest assured, i will still be putting on concerts
in dortmund & the surrounding area (plateau & others). who knows,
baender bender may ride again in another venue one of these days in
the not too distant future. in any case, it has been a very nice run &
i would like to thank everyone who came out to see us over the years,
everyone who gave very encouraging feedback & all the stellar
musicians who graced our stage & took me up on the dare. i have
recorded all of the concerts from the beginning & intend to put
together a one or two volume comp, for release, as soon as i get
around to it in 2011.
for this last concert, i have invited good friends for an upbeat night
of free krauthop/strange groove. to say that i myself am looking
forward to it is a huge understatement. come join us for a manic
scratch evening featuring very creative analog visuals from tobias
daemgen, who told me he’s bringing a laser octopus, whatever the fuck
that is. i guess you won’t ever find out either if you don’t brave the
slush-filled streets & kick back with us thursday night. i’d certainly
be delighted to see all of you & celebrate what has been an inspiring
stage for experiments & the spaces „in-between“!
thanks again!
baender bender wird grosszügig unterstützt durch projazz e.v.!
infos & hörproben unter:
hope to see you there,