[ 7. September 2010 ]

ESSEN – 10vorne edition 8, mit Eva Pöpplein, 16.Sept.2010

„10vorne“ – edition 8

Sept. 16th, 2010, 20:00

@ Galerie Hinterhaus, Rellinghauser Str. 10, Essen-City

– Eva Pöpplein (computer)
– Peter Eisold (drums, electronics)
– Frank Niehusmann (e-drums)

the venue:
„Hinterhaus“ is located at the south end of Essen’s central station,
map: [ http://tinyurl.com/Rellinghauser10 ]

* more about Eva Pöpplein:
[ http://www.evapoepplein.com ]
* more about Peter Eisold:
[ http://www.peter-eisold.de ]

* former press reviews about „10vorne“:
[ http://www.niehusmann.org/depot/10vorne3-review.html ]
[ http://www.niehusmann.org/depot/10vorne2-review.html ]
* the cinemascope-review of 10vorne edition 7 is here:
[ http://tinyurl.com/10vorne7presse ]

* more about „10vorne“:
[ http://10vorne.blogspot.com ]
„10vorne“ is a concert series for electroacoustic and improvised
music, produced by Peter Eisold and Frank Niehusmann for DEGEM –
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik e.V.