[ 16. August 2010 ]

ESSEN – JND at ISEA2010, PACT Zollverein

Von: Marije Baalman
Datum: 16. August 2010 19:20:57 MESZ

Dear friends,
Next weekend, I will be showing an installation at ISEA in Essen, Germany,
which I created with my collaborators Chris Salter and Harry Smoak, and many
others. More information below.
(JND will also be shown during Today’s Art in September in The Hague).

Additionally, Chris Salter and I are presenting our research project
during the P2 Motion Lab discussions at ISEA

Marije Baalman

Just Noticeable Difference
An installation by Chris Salter,
in collaboration with Marije Baalman and Harry Smoak

ISEA 2010 Ruhr Exhibition @ PACT Zollverein
August 20-22, 2010
10:00-20:00, Daily
PACT Zollverein, Studio 2
Bullmannaue 20a
Essen, Germany

Just Noticeable Difference is a sensory environment for one person at a time
in which total darkness is accompanied by extraordinary small variations of
sense stimuli. Barely detectable body motions are sensed and affect the
patterns and  intensity of a composition of touch, light and sound. The
installation explores the fluctuation between noise and order, sensation and
sense making directly at the level of bodily perception.
Please note: Just Noticeable Difference is intended as an individual
experience  and can only be accessed by one person at a time. Please book your
visit at 20 minute intervals each hour jnd@isea2010ruhr.org (until 19 August)
or with the attendant next to the installation.

Production of JND is supported with funding from the Conseil des arts et des
lettres du Québec and the Social Sciences and Humanities  Research Council of
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