From: Folkmar Hein
Date: August 12, 2010 1:17:19 PM GMT+02:00
Subject: FW: Max Brand Synthesizer & Synlab Workshop + Day of Sound
ISEA2010 RUHR Workshop | Max Brand Synthesizer & Synlab Workshop
and ISEA2010 RUHR Concerts | Day of Sound
ISEA2010 RUHR features a very special project in
cooperation with the Institute for Computer Music
and Electronic Media (ICEM): the Max Brand
Synthesizer & Synlab Workshop. A unique in-depth
experience for music enthusiasts and sound
artists into the electroacoustic soundscapes of
the archetype of all Moog Soundsystems, the Max
Brand Synthesizer, and into versatiled sound
generating with the gigantic SynLab
analog-modular System. The workshop takes place
in anticipation of the Day of Sound, a full day
dedicated to electronic music, where also the
subharmonic, pounding and pitching frequencies of
the Hell Machine will be presented.
Please note that for the workshop it is obligatory to register
beforehand at until Monday, 16 August 2010.
Enjoy it!
Further information:
Max Brand Synthesizer & Synlab Workshop:
Wed 18, Thur 19 & Fri 20 August 2010
Day of Sound:
Sun 22 August 2010 16:00-23:00h
Day of Sound: Hell Machine
Sun 22 August 2010, 22:00-23:00h
ISEA2010 RUHR Workshop
Max Brand Synthesizer & Synlab Workshop
This workshop provides in-depth insights into the strategies used in
analogue sound synthesis and invites you to use the Max Brand
synthesizer and the Synlab Modular system. The Max Brand synthesizer is
a unique instrument developed in a ten year long close collaboration
between composer Max Brand and sound engineer Bob Moog since the 1950s.
The one of a kind Synlab Modular system in the ICEM studio (since 1975),
with its comprehensive range of modules and extremely flexible
connection possibilities, is one of the most powerful analogue sound
generating systems worldwide.
Sponsored by: Land Niederösterreich, Österreischisches Kulturforum
Berlin, IMA Institut für Medienarchäologie, Lender: Max-Brand-Archiv,
Langenzersdorf (at), Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Musiksammlung.
Wed 18, Thur 19 & Fri 20 August 2010 (one day workshop)
11:00-17:00h workshop
18:00h presentation Max Brand Synthesizer
Folkwang Hochschule
ICEM – Institut für Computermusik und Elektronische Medien, Studio 1
(Gebäude Neue Aula)
Klemensborn 39
45239 Essen
Further information:
ISEA2010 RUHR – 20-29 aug 2010 –
Stefan Riekeles | director of programmes |
c/o HMKV | Guentherstr. 65 | 44143 Dortmund | +49-231-557521-18