Subject: Phonophon im Oktober
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014
From: Phonophon
Der Verein zur Förderung von Phonographie und experimenteller Musik e.V.
freut sich im Oktober auf folgenden Konzerte:
08.10.2014: Star Turbine (N) – Bernd-Michael Land (D)
18.10.2014: Petra Dubach/ Mario van Horrik (NL) – Siegfried Kärcher (D)
29.10.2014: TZII (BE) – Filip Gheysen (BE) – TraumaSutra (BE)
08.10.2014: Star Turbine (N) – Bernd-Michael Land (D)
Star Turbine (N)
Scandinavian noise-scapers Star Turbine, a Danish/Norwegian supergroup
of experimental sound made up of Claus Poulsen (of Small Things On
Sundays fame) and Sindre Bjerga (Bjerga/Iversen, etc). Working with
electronics and amplified objects, the duo make extended, intricate
excursions into microscopic sonic universes, their layered textures
pockmarked and warped by sudden tonal wormholes and Dadaist interjections
“Like all the output of Tangerine Dream squished up into a 1 second
sample then dragged out again on a low res JPEG.”
Star Turbine -> Info
Star Turbine -> Bandcamp
Bernd – Michael Land (D)
ist Elektronik-Musiker, Klangkünstler und Sounddesigner seit den frühen
siebziger Jahren.
Musikalische Stilrichtung: elektronische experimentelle
Instrumentalmusik, Ambient, Electronica/Electro,
Bioakustik/Field-Recording, Soundscapes, Klangkunst.
Das elektronische OHRakel.
Die Dialoge zwischen akustischen Naturgeräuschen (Field-Recording) und
Live gespielten, elektronisch erzeugten Klängen (Drones, Soundscapes,
Glitch), stehen in ständig wechselnden dynamischen Beziehungen, um dann
zu neuen Klangwelten zu verschmelzen. Die Verbindung von natürlicher
Bioakustik mit elektronischen Sphärenen wurden im transdisziplinären
Kontext erarbeitet und bilden die Basis für eine neue hybride Realität.
Die wichtigste Eigenschaft dieser Musik ist der Inhalt, jedoch ohne eine
zu hohe Authentizität zu schaffen, das ist nicht gewollt.
Arbeitswerkzeug und Medium ist stets der elektronische Synthesizer, als
äquivalent zur menschlichen Sprache. Nur er bietet eine enge Verknüpfung
von Kreation, Kommunikation und Ausführung in klaren Strukturen. Auf
den Einsatz von Computern wird bei Konzerten gänzlich verzichtet.
Bernd – Michael Land -> Info
Institut für neue Medien (INM), Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt,
Einlass 20:00, Beginn 20:30 – Eintritt: 7 Euro
18.10.2014: Petra Dubach/ Mario van Horrik (NL) – Siegfried Kärcher (D)
Petra Dubach/ Mario van Horrik (NL)
From 1993 we are working together as an artistic duo.
The starting point for our artistic work is the notion, that movement
and sound are identical;
without movement (vibration) nothing can be heard. This idea is worked
out by us in every thinkable form:
installations, works in progress on location, performances, concerts, etc.
Because of the temporary character of the media sound and movement, our
works, up to now, have always been presented during a limited period of
So there are no objects for sale. Besides using the media movement,
sound and image, we also have an interest in using new media and
technology, that are often realized especially for our projects.
Recently we are very interested in projects that deal with
communication, formal translations, and (mis)understanding, and we are
conducting our researchproject WAVES, in which we investigate the use of
movement feedback to create installations and concerts.
We are also cofounders and members of the multimedia group Antarctica,
and since 1982 Mario is a member of the legendary cultgroup the Maciunas
Ensemble with Paul Panhuijsen, Jan van Riet and Leon van Noorden.
Petra Dubach / Mario van Horrik -> Info
Siegfried Kärcher (D)
Siegfried Kärcher wurde 1974 geboren und somit in die Zeit der
Heimcomputer hineingeboren. Nach Atari VCS 2600 folgte der C64 und dann
der Commodore Amiga und einige Berühmtheit in der Hacker/Cracker- und
Demoszene. Der nahe gelegene Techno Club von Talla 2xlc, wo seit Anfang
der 80er Techno erfunden wurde, wirkte ebenso stilprägend.
Nach einem Hochbegabtenstudium der freien bildenden Kunst folgten immer
weitere Modulationen und Permutationen und Mischungen von bildender
Kunst und Musik.
Heute lebt und arbeitet der mit international anerkannten Preisen und
Stipendien dekorierte vielseitige Künstler unbeeindruckt und lustvoll
emanzipiert in Frankfurt am Main, von wo aus er sich seiner Kunst widmet
und Impulse in die freie Kulturszene trägt.
Seine Siegfried Kärcher Kunsttage, die er jährlich in einer ehemaligen
Radarstation auf der Wasserkuppe mit Freunden gestaltet sind jetzt schon
legendär. Er tritt bevorzugt in kleinen Untergrundclubs auf, hat aber
auch keine Berührungsängste mit großen Festivals, wo er schon mit
Krautrockgrößen wie Mani Neumeier oder der Technoikone Dr. Motte auftrat.
Im INM wird er am 18.10.2014 ein audiovisuelles Livekonzert geben, das
einen kleinen Überblick über sein Schaffen gibt.
Siegfried Kärcher -> Info
Institut für neue Medien (INM), Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt,
Einlass 20:00, Beginn 20:30 – Eintritt: 7 Euro
29.10.2014: TZII (BE) – Filip Gheysen (BE) – TraumaSutra (BE)
Filip Gheysen
Filip Gheysen is a musician and audio artist, living and working in
Ghent, Belgium, with a passion for sound and experimental music. Using
only a tabletop guitar, effects and the occasional autoharp, he creates
abstract droning soundscapes, stripped of all unnecessary elements,
focussing solely on the timbre and tone of his instrument. Filip Gheysen
has been very active in different projects. He is the founder of
Glasvocht records and has released albums under the monikers
Picturesque, Teledroom (with Portables-guitarist Wio) and is a member of
the band 4 Black Boxes (with Jürgen De Blonde aka Köhn and Tom
Vangheluwe). Trained as a graphic designer, he has also studied
‘printmaking’ at the academy of Ghent and had several expositions. In
June 2013, he released his latest album Tabletop Guitar (cd + dvd + art
catalogue) on Silken Tofu. This first release under his own name
presents both his musical and visual art and adds a third field of
interest. His videoworks are the
culmination of his two main outlets, giving a new dimension to his art.
Filip Gheysen -> Info
With TraumaSutra, Peter De Koning takes you from one atmosphere to the
other; sometimes very quiet and minimal, other times noisy and and
extreme. However, It’s always a reflection of this own chaotic mind. In
his music, using broken cymbals, iron plates, bricks, elements of
nature, toys, plastic bags, construction site materials. The list is
endless, as are the possibilities. The use of synthesizers and ‘normal’
instruments is kept to a minimum. Being a very broadminded individual,
he’s also active in a number of other projects. First and foremost is
his band Intens, with which he has played on all kinds of stages in
Belgium, going from underground rock clubs to open door school events.
Since 2008, he is also an active member of Belgian cult act Hybryds,
working in the ritual/mythical/industrial and magical music scene. This
band is known for its mind expanding sound and have been one on the
forefront of the Belgian industriai/experimental scene since the 1980s.
TraumaSutra -> Facebook
Since 1996 Tzii spreads his magickal corrosive frequencies all over the
world through touring from eastern and western europe to Australia,
passing by USA, Canada, Japan and Africa, where he played hundreds of
shows. A mountain of multiple figures…. He’s a co-founder and active
member of the V-ATAK collective/dvd label, a crew raping with no limits
your eyes and ears in multimedias festivals worldwide, is one half of
Solar Skeletons and several other bands such as MS30 (released on Silken
Tofu). Collaborated on stage or in studio with many other sound wizards
such as Steve MacKay (The Stooges), Marshall Allen (Sun-Ra Arkestra),
Contagious Orgasm, Bene Gesserit, Koonda Holaa, 1997EV, Luna Dopa, Liina
Nilsson, Madame Patate, Akoustic Timbre Frequency, Babylone Chaos and
many more… As a multi-skilled artist he works also for dance companies,
living performances, movie soundtracks and any other mediums with sound
TZII -> Info
Silken Tofu Silken Tofu dedicates itself to publishing all sorts of
experimental, noise, ambient and generally ‘difficult’ music and visual
art. Founded in 2006, Silken Tofu has since become a highly respected
name with experimental music lovers all over the globe, due to its high
quality standards, both in the artists worked with and in the level of
care and attention for sleeve design and packaging. Silken Tofu aims to
be more than just a record label, not only focussing on musical releases
but including all sorts of visual arts en media. Next to that, Silken
Tofu is a graphic design agency, available to anyone in need for
affordable but quality print design.
Silken Tofu -> Info
Institut für neue Medien (INM), Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt,
Einlass 20:00, Beginn 20:30 – Eintritt: 7 Euro
Vorschau für November:
01.11.2014: Trabouliste/ Brass Lines (D) – Jan Kees Helms (NL)
10.11.2014: Peter Wießenthaner/Gero Koenig (D) – Patrick Bessler (D)
12.11.2014: Judy Dunaway (USA) – Feine Trinkers bei Pinkels daheim (D)
26.11.2014: Marc Behrens (D)
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Copyright © 2014 Verein zur Förderung von Phonographie und
experimenteller Musik e.V., All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Verein zur Förderung von Phonographie und experimenteller Musik e.V.
c/o Roland Etzin
Weißkirchener Weg 7a
Frankfurt Am Main 60439