[ 10. März 2014 ]

Fwd: CALL – 2014 EMM Call for Submissions


Von: Mike McFerron
Betreff: 2014 EMM Call for Submissions
Datum: 1. März 2014 06:08:01 MEZ

2014 Electronic Music Midwest Festival
Call for Submissions

Lewis University and Kansas City Kansas Community College are pleased to
announce an international call for submissions for the Electronic Music
Midwest Festival, featuring guest performer Craig Hultgren, to be held
October 16-18, 2014 at Lewis University (Chicago area).

Each concert will feature an 8.1 speaker diffusion system. Acclaimed
cellist Craig Hultgren will be the featured performer and composers are
encouraged to submit works for his consideration. Any composer
regardless of region, age or nationality may submit one work.

EMM accepts all electroacoustic works, but we especially seek music that
falls within one of the following categories:

1) Composition for cello and fixed media and/or live electronics
2) Two channel works for fixed media
3) Up to eight channel works for fixed media
4) Instrument(s)/Voice(s) and fixed media or live electronics (composer
to provide performers)
5) Works for video
6) Sound Installations and Interactive Media (composer to provide all
non-standard equipment)
7) Live Laptop works
8) Live Interactive works

Deadline: June 1, 2014 Entry Fee: none

For complete submission guidelines, visit http://www.emmfestival.org

Dr. Mike McFerron
Professor of Music
Lewis University



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