Von: Denise Ritter
Betreff: Sphaira 01 | Guimaraes (Portugal)
Datum: 10. November 2013 13:20:02 MEZ
Música Viva 2013 Festival @ CAAA Guimarães
Sound Walk
Sphaira 01_remix_2012 | Denise Ritter
electroacoustic piece
based on recordings made of a radio contact with an astronaute at the International Space Station ISS
Opening: November 16, 5 pm
until January 5, 2014
Every day from 2.30 pm to 7.00 pm
CAAA Centre for Art and Architecture Affairs
Guimarães (Portugal)
„Sound Walk“ is a collective sound installation offering visitors an immersion into distinct soundscapes under the theme of “text-sound composition”. Satellite event of the Música Viva Festival 2013, the Sound Walk is the result of a selection of pieces, which derives from an invitation by Miso Music Portugal to composers of electroacoustic music from around the world.
Denise Ritter | Sound Art