[ 6. März 2012 ]

HADERSLEV – Sound Design Studies at Sonic College, Denmark

From: Sonic College
Date: March 6, 2012 2:29:01 PM GMT+01:00

In 2012, the deadline to apply for admission to Sonic College will be March 15th. If you happen to know somebody in the age ranging from 18-30 years, who is deeply involved with sound and music, please draw his / her attention to our 1½ year old sound design education!

Info about Sonic College
The education in media and sonic communication – colloquially named Sonic College – is one of Europe’s first educational programmes in sound design. The duration of the education is 3 ½ years.

Compared to other similar educations, Sonic College has a unique combination of subjects consisting of:
• Sound in digital productions
• Sound design in communication and marketing
• Interdisciplinary subjects such as project management, economics and communication theory
• Specialization (studio technology, sound design for computer games, media productions and Ambient Assisted Living)
• Six months practical placement
• Bachelor project
The education started in September 2010 with 24 student places per year. With commencement of study in September 2011, March 2011 saw 134 applicants for the 24 places.

As of yet, Sonic College has no lecturers on permanent employment – the teaching is based on the use of highly qualified and specialized professionals both from Denmark and from abroad. At the moment we have associated 58 very committed guest lecturers.

soniccollege.org (English)
ucsyd.dk/mediesono (Danish)

Sonic College
University College South Denmark
Lembckesvej 2, building G
DK-6100 Haderslev

Sonic College
Lembckesvej 2, building G, DK-6100 Haderslev
+45 7266 5145
jwg@soniccollege.org | http://www.soniccollege.org
