[ 1. März 2011 ]

HAMBURG – Hörbar, im März 2011

Von: Hörbar e.V. – Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen
Betreff: [announce] Konzert im Maerz

verein zur förderung experimenteller musik
brigittenstraße 5 (im b-movie)
20359 hamburg
tel : 040 / 430 58 67
(mittwochs 20-1 uhr)

Die Hörbar im März

Am Freitag, den 25.03.2011 um 21:00 Uhr
V4W.ENKO (Ukraine)
Sound and visual project of Evgeniy Vaschenko, started in 2007 as live
electronics. Based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Sound and videostream is being
realised in real time by manipulating of self programmed algorithms.
Parts of algorithms have simple form and are correlated one with
another by simple rules.
One of fields of process are generative audio and video exploration,
accurate and spontaneous composition, absolute live improvisation with
Working with Kim Cascone, Andrey Kiritchenko, Kotra, Zavoloka, Alla
Zagaykevych, .At/on, D`Incise, Ujif_Notfoound, Franz Pomassl, Pavel
Zhagun, AIUTO, Maria Pavlenko, Alexei Borisov, Ignaz Schick, Kurt
Leidward, Shay Nassi (Mise_En_Scene).
Since 2007 V4W.ENKO released over 9 solo 3 collaborative albums (on CD
and net-releases) as well as participated in more than 12
compilations. Produced more than 14 solo video works and in collab
with Ukrainian artist Aiuto. Worked with labels and platforms of
contemporary arts such as Kvitnu, Nexsound, Electroton, 0 Bis,
Digitalbiotope, Entity, JNN, Clear Magazine.

Zudem werden folgene Konzerte statt finden:

Mi, 02.03.2011, 21:30 Uhr
Ariel Shibolet, saxofon (Tel Aviv)
solo und im Duo mit
Birgit Ulher, trompete
Ofer Bymel, percussion (Haifa)
Michael Maierhof, cello

Mi, 23.03.2011, 21:30 Uhr
Hainer Wörmann, präparierte Gitarre /
Wolfgang Schliemann, perkussion /
Birgit Ulher, trompete,radio, mutes, speaker
Heiner Metzger, soundtable /
Hainer Wörmann /
Wolfgang Schliemann
