[ 8. Juli 2012 ]

HAMBURG – Konzert: „Endangered Guitar: THEBIT“

Von: Georg Hajdu
Datum: 7. Juli 2012 21:53:11 MESZ
Betreff: Konzert: „Endangered Guitar: THEBIT“
Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg

Fr, 13.07.2012, 20:00 Uhr
Konzert: „Endangered Guitar: THEBIT“

Hans Tammen will present THEBIT, an extension of his recent works for
modified surround sound systems, consisting of two independent voices
simultaneously drawn from his guitar. With a wide array of mechanical
preparations for guitar, processed with his own custom software and
with an unusual take on guitar-based control, a single voice is set
against a micropolyphonic pattern surrounding the audience. For
THEBIT, Hamburg’s Wavefield Synthesis System will allow for complex
movements of sounds following the nature of their own inertia, unless
the composer introduces small but controlled variations. Some take on
a new musical life on their own, others die out at a very early stage
of their existence. The random drift moves the piece slowly into new
directions, investigating complex stages of tranquility and agitation.
Mit der Unterstützung des Zentrums für Mikrotonale Musik und
Multimedia (ZM4).

Eintritt: frei
Ort: Hochschule für Musik und Theater | Harvestehuder Weg 12 (Eingang:
Ort: Multimediahörsaal (ELA 1)
Web: mmm.hfmt-hamburg.de
