Von: Hörbar e.V.
Datum: 8. Februar 2011 10:51:38 MEZ
Betreff: [announce] Radio Gagarin Festival in der Roten Flora
Radio Gagarin Präsentiert am 16.02.11 in der Roten Flora
– MoHa!
– Horacio Pollard
– Reiner Deutschmann und seine Freunde
Einlass 21:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 5€
MoHa! is a Norwegian somewhat loud music duo, like a breath of fresh
fjord air.
Since 2004, they have released a handful of records and singles.
Sonic splatter, sharp blasts of savage composition, the remains of
varied sources.
Some dense futuristic music sourced from guitar/synth and drums.
Clearly, the band can be described as “efficient”.
MoHa! is A.S.H on guitar/keyboard and M.J.O on drumkit/SC3.
Horacio Pollard is a Berlin/ London based musician working with
(potentially) mind altering obscure noise creations.
He started making music in 2000 with his 3 piece band Cau_Cational
Betreet who built a small following by playing fucked up music in
strange places like motorway bridges, shopping centres, quarries &
church roofs etc.
Since then, he has released a bunch of solo records on different
labels such as Wrong Music, Adaadat, Twilight Luggage & his own Neigh
He has toured extensively around Europe, South America & the Far East
& has collaborated with many artists including Anla Courtis, Anal
Garden, Bbblood, Blue Sabbath Black Fiji, DJ Scotch Egg, MoHa!, Ove
Naxx, Pokemachine, Torturing Nurse & more.
Live shows are loud, destructive and thoroughly entertaining!
„…drilling guttural splats and mic feedback spaz attacks causing
eyeballs to fall out!“
Hulk Dash, London 2009
Reiner Deutschmann macht interaktive Musik: Es existiert kein Thema,
über das improvisiert wird, sondern die Musik entsteht augenblicklich
– ein Dialog der Geräusche. Die Musiker formen klangliche Angebote,
die sie einander machen, zu einem musikalisch homogenen Ereignis.
Die Musiker:
M. Stabenow/Feedbacks und Noise per Hifi Equipment
V.Havlik /E-Gitarre,moduliert/mutiert