[ 16. Oktober 2014 ]

INTERNET – Acoustic Frontiers playlist September 2014

Subject: Acoustic Frontiers playlist September 2014
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 201
From: ralph hopper

Sorry ‚bout the delay in posting, got a bit busy but here’s the Sept

Acoustic Frontiers playlist

Airing on CKCU-FM (www.ckcufm.com for live
streaming), 93.1, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – for playlist go to:

12:30 to 14:00 eastern time zone, each Monday

Host/producer – Ralph Hopper

Email: ralph.hopper@rogers.com

Composers with new EA/computer music compositions are always welcome
[and encouraged] to provide a copy for airplay. Please contact me for

September 2014

Anne Holmes SFU 40 Wood on Wood on Water

Jean Piche SFU 40 La Mer a L’Aube

Paul Lansky Fantasies and Tableau
Still Time

Robert Normandeau Tangram Tangram

John Statter Assembly Influx

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay La Maree La rupture

Jim Tetlow Soundcloud Birdbrain

Jim Tetlow Soundcloud Being In Kyoto #1

Luciano Berio History of EA Chants Parallels

Christian Clozier History of EA La Discordatura

Elainie Lillios Entre espaces Arturo

Elainie Lillios Entre espaces Hastening Toward
the Half Moon

Christopher Gorman sonus.ca Siilatujuk

Arthur Gottschalk sonus.ca Into the Maelstrom

Arthur Gottschalk sonus.ca Syrenes

Gilles Gobeil sonus.ca Traces

Todd Griffiths sonus.ca Matalist

Roeland Luyten Destellos 2014 Helena

Panayiotis Kokoras Destellos 2014 Jet

Pierre-Luc Lecours Destellos 2014 Impacts

Alexis Langevin-Tétrault Destellos 2014

Elainie Lillios Destellos 2014 Rush
of the Brook Stills the Mind

Giulio Colangelo Destellos 2014 Organismo
Aperto No.1

Loriane Takla Destellos 2014 Collisions rédemption

Nicolas Marty Destellos 2014 Nibelheim