Von: ronald kuivila
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Ron Kuivila
The Wesleyan University Music Department seeks an original composer
with specialization in experimental music and digital media. Interests
that cross disciplinary boundaries are welcome, as are additional
fields of expertise. This is a full-time, tenure-track position
beginning July 1, 2011.
RANK: Assistant Professor.
SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
QUALIFICATIONS: PhD, MFA, MA or equivalent experience.
DUTIES: Teaching courses in electronic music and recording techniques,
music composition, contemporary music history and theory at both
undergraduate and graduate levels, advising undergraduate and graduate
theses as well as undergraduate majors and non-majors, and co-
direction of the experimental music and recording studios and the
David Tudor collection of electronic instruments and instrumentation.
The teaching load is two courses per semester.
INSTITUTION: The Music Department¹s courses range from introduction to
music through graduate seminars, in a program that offers a strong
undergraduate music major program, the MA in music, and the PhD in
ethnomusicology, all with a long-standing interest in performance and
cultural studies. Particular areas of strength include: experimental
and digital, American, African, East Asian, Southeast Asian, South
Asian, and European musics.
DEADLINE: Applications received by November 15, 2010 will receive full
APPLICATION: Please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae,
three letters of recommendation, as well as a representative portfolio
of scores and documentation together with a writing sample, which
could be a dissertation chapter, published article, or review. To
apply, visit http://www.wesleyan.edu/facultyopenings. Applications and
supporting materials will be accepted after September 1. Inquiries may
be directed to Deb Shore, Administrative Assistant, dshore@wesleyan.edu.
Wesleyan University is an equal-opportunity and affirmative-action
employer and welcomes applications from women and members of
historically underrepresented minority groups. Wesleyan recognizes the
value individual and group differences contribute to the learning
environment and to scholarship. Wesleyan University does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or
age in its programs and activities. Inquiries regarding non-
discrimination policies: Affirmative Action Specialist, 317 North
College 860-685-4771.