From: mario Gauthier
Date: September 26, 2010 10:05:21 PM GMT+02:00
Subject: call fo paper
The Ghost in the Machine: Technologies, Performance, Publics
2-3 February 2011
a conference hosted by:
Schulich School of Music,
Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas &
Improvisation, Community and Social Policy (SSHRC-MCRI)
McGill University, Montreal, QC
Our mandate is to invite recent research and analysis into the diverse
ways in which technological change has and continues to effect the
meaning and experience of music in the long twentieth century — not
so much in a practical or legal sense but in an aesthetic,
philosophical and political sense. We are keen to involve as rich a
diversity of disciplinary and interdisciplinary frameworks as
possible. The potential to connect questions of music (re)production
and performance to contemporary approaches in critical theory and to
broader questions of social change, social history, hermeneutics and
cultural representation, is particularly encouraged.
We anticipate a range of conversations and presentations exploring
issues ranging from the effect of music recording and archiving of
folk, jazz, and other music traditions, to contemporary issues in
music digitization and performance technologies, including some of all
of the following themes:
• Commodification and question of technology
• Technology, memory and the archive
• Technologies of sound and space
• Composers, recordings, performers and interpretations
• Text and context in recording technologies
• Ethnomusicology, preservation and authenticity
• Technology and contemporary philosophy
• Globalization and technology
• Digitization, impacts and potentials
• Music and politics
• Technology and event
Proposals for complete panels as well as for individual papers are
welcome. Researchers are invited to submit panel and/or paper
abstracts of no more than 250 words, and brief (2 page) cvs to
Conference website:
Registration fee: $50 (faculty); $25 (student).
Deadline for submissions: 15 October 2010